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NextGen: HN Pilot Centre Update

Pilot Centre Engagement

Keep in Touch Meetings 

Keep in Touch meetings have been taking place with pilot centres and SQA staff, with a positive start to pilot delivery being reported. These sessions will run throughout the pilot delivery year to support delivery teams and enable us to respond to any challenges.  


Grading Orientation Workshops 

Grading Orientation Workshops have been taking place for subject delivery teams, supporting with the proposed ‘whole qualification grading’ approach. New product Development Managers should have these sessions scheduled with their delivery team. If you have any questions about the session, contact your New Product Development Manager, and they’ll be happy to help 


Quality Manager Costa Group  

The first Quality Manager Costa group of this session took place on Thursday 22 September 2022. Quality Managers met to continue the conversation we engaged in from previous sessions. At this session we discussed the theme for our future event, Pilot Centre Themed Conversations, where pilot centres will have the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge on NextGen: HN. We also engaged in some interesting conversation about our engagement with pilot centres, and some good practice was shared. 


Introductory Quality Assurance Touch Point Sessions 

Introductory Quality Assurance Touch Point sessions have been taking place throughout September where we have shared the new quality assurance model for our NextGen qualifications. Throughout the sessions we ensure that you are confident about what to expect in the coming year.  


HEI Showcase Events 

We are currently planning our Higher Education Institution (HEI) Showcase events that will take place from October. These events will be designed to showcase each NextGen qualification by explaining the aims, structure, content and the knowledge and skills covered by unit outcomes. New product Development Managers will be in touch in due course to discuss the scheduling of your event.   


Pilot Centre Themed Conversations  

We will be hosting Pilot Centre Themed Conversation events in November 2022, March 2023 and June 2023. These sessions will give us the opportunity to focus on a particular area of NextGen: HN and allow pilot centres to share knowledge and experiences.  

The first Pilot Centre Themed Conversation session will be held on 17 November 2022 at 4 pm, themed around Articulation and Progression. Book your place for this session using our Events Booking System.