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NextGen: HN Pilot Centre Update

Pilot Centre Engagement

Quality Manager Costa Group   

 Invitations to our second Quality Manager Costa group of the session should have been received by Quality Managers as it will take place on Thursday 8 December. We look forward to meeting with you all to continue the important conversation experienced from previous sessions.     

HEI Showcase Events   

Our Higher Education Institute (HEI) Showcase events have continued throughout November with sessions for HND Radio, HNC/D Television, HNC Physical Activity & Health, HNC Social Sciences and HNC Accounting. Additional subject events will follow during the rest of the month.   

These sessions are designed to showcase each NextGen qualification by explaining the qualification aims, structure, content and the knowledge and skills covered by the unit outcomes.  Bookings for events are continuing to take place and invitations for upcoming sessions should have been received by HEI stakeholders. 

The showcase events have been attended very well. In general, conversations have been informed and fruitful and queries typically concerned subject detail. However, there was a growing interest in exploring a National Articulation approach within various subject areas with grading being at the forefront of the queries. To facilitate further conversation, a follow up message has been sent to FE partners as a reminder of identified next steps.  

Pilot Centre Themed Conversations   

The first of our Pilot centre Themed Conversation events was scheduled for Thursday 17 November. However, we have postponed the session and will be in touch with a revised date and booking process in the near future.   

The session will be focussed on Articulation and Progression and the progress being made, alongside an update from David McShane, Research and Policy Manager – Articulation and Progression.  In addition, there will be some interesting contributions from some of our pilot centres.