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NextGen: HN Pilot Centre Update

Embedding learning for Sustainability into NextGen: HN Pilot Programme

SQA has committed to identifying opportunities for developing the values, skills, knowledge and understanding of Learning for Sustainability (LfS) within all new and revised qualifications in line with Scottish Government policy. (Recommendation 14, Vision 2030+).  
The first steps have been to identify opportunities to embed LfS in the design and implementation of the NextGen: HND pilot programme. A LfS outcome has now been agreed by the management team and incorporated into NextGen: HN Phase 2 Year 2 Design Principles. Therefore, one of the mandatory project units must contain an LfS outcome linked to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and be relevant to the unit context. This must be done through the inclusion of the common outcome provided or an outcome developed by the Qualification Development Team (QDT).  
NextGen: HND learners should have an expectation of exiting their qualifications with:  
- an understanding of sustainability in general, 
- a good grounding in subject-specific sustainability knowledge and skills, and  
- the confidence to apply this knowledge and skills in the next stage of their lives.  

Support is available for QDT’s and pilot centres through the Educator’s Guide and additional workshops. If this is something you would be interested in, contact to find out more.