New Self-Assessment Exemplar
We require systems to facilitate continual improvement and ongoing review, resulting in an annual self-assessment. Your self-assessment is used to give us an understanding of your current and future objectives, including how you are developing, designing, and delivering qualifications that help contribute to the Scottish economy. Information from your self-assessment may help with audit activities whilst ensuring compliance with the Regulatory Principle 6 which states that: ‘The awarding body must continually review the effectiveness of its services, systems, policies and processes’.
You have had the option to submit your self-assessment in a format that suits your needs, and this will continue. However, following feedback from awarding bodies we have produced a further exemplar which is supported by guidance notes. You can access these on our website. Please note, the exemplars show a choice of approaches to self-assessment and is not the prescriptive format or style that needs to be followed.
Should you wish to discuss self-assessment please do not hesitate to contact your Regulation Manager.