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NextGen: HN Pilot Centre Update

NextGen: HN change request process

The NextGen: HN project has adopted a culture of service design, engaging in a series of iterative prototyping throughout the development and pilot delivery phases. As a result of this approach, we know that the pilot phase will provide a rich source of feedback and suggestions for potential unit and Group Award framework changes. This feedback will be captured in one central location i.e., the NextGen: HN qualification change log.    

 Submitting a change request    

If you wish to propose any changes to a NextGen Group Award or Unit, please complete the NextGen Change Request Form. Prior to submitting the form, please ensure that the feedback you are providing has been signed off by your SQA Coordinator. You should liaise with your New Product Development Manager (NPDM) who will provide support and assistance throughout this process. All change requests for academic session 2023/2024 must be submitted by 31 May 2024.    

The NextGen Change Request Form is available on the Digital Publishing Site.   

 Next steps after submission of the change request   

All change requests will be reviewed by the SQA subject teams and NextGen team on a case-by-case basis. The nature and significance of the change request will inform next steps. Your NPDM will confirm timelines with you for any agreed change and you will receive a full response to all change requests. Changes will be reflected on the subject Digital Publishing pages.   

If you have any queries, please get in touch with the NPDM for your subject.      

For any other general queries, please contact the NextGen team at