Estimate submission
Estimates play a vital part in our awarding process and you must submit them for every learner undertaking National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses.
It is important that estimates are submitted to us by the published deadline of Friday 19 April for all courses, with the exception of the following that have a deadline of Thursday 30 May:
- Art and Design (Design) – Advanced Higher
- Art and Design (Expressive) – Advanced Higher
- Fashion and Textile Technology – National 5
- Music – Advanced Higher
- Music Portfolio – Advanced Higher
- Music Technology – Advanced Higher
- Practical Cake Craft – National 5
- Practical Cookery – National 5
- Photography – Higher
Estimate deadline dates are set for a variety of reasons. They ensure that the production and assessment of evidence used to determine estimates is completed before the start of the exams. They also take account of learners going on study leave before the exam period.
Additionally, and importantly, they allow us to work closely with centres to ensure that the data is as you intended for each learner.
We’ll issue reports advising where estimates have not been submitted for your learners. If an estimate has not been submitted for a learner, they’ll not be able to access the Examination Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Service. There is, therefore, considerable risk associated with delaying the submission of this data.
We’re seeking your support to submit estimates by the deadlines. For any enquiries, please contact the Data Services team on 0345 213 6612 Option 1 or email