NextGen: HN project update
We recently invited centres to apply to pilot a limited number of subjects for session 2024 – 25 as part of a manageable expansion of the project.
We are pleased to confirm that the following centres will be joining the NextGen: HN project to pilot alongside our current pilot centres in 2024 – 25.
City of Glasgow College – NextGen: HNC Computing
Glasgow Clyde College – NextGen: HNC Physical Activity & Health
UHI – NextGen: HNC Accounting
Additionally, two further applications are still being considered and the outcome will follow at a later date.
We are thankful for the support of centres taking part and look forward to working with you all.
Separate to the qualifications being piloted, the following NextGen: HN qualifications are currently being developed:
NextGen: HNC/D Administration and Information Technology
NextGen: HNC/D Built Environment Suite
NextGen: HNC/D Creative Industries (Art)
NextGen: HNC/D Creative Industries (Performance)
NextGen: HNC Healthcare Practice
NextGen: HND Assistant Healthcare Practitioner
NextGen: HNC/D Maritime Suite
We will confirm when these qualifications will be available for centres to deliver as a pilot by the end of June 2024.