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Co-ordinator Update 25 March 2024

Electronic files for National 5 Administration and IT and Higher Applications of Mathematics exams

We’ll publish electronic files for learners to use in the National 5 Administration and IT and Higher Applications of Mathematics exams.

Files for the National 5 Administration and IT exam

The National 5 Administration and IT exam will take place on Wednesday 1 May. During the exam, learners will work through a series of spreadsheet, database, and theory tasks, which they must complete using a PC or other suitable device.

We’ll publish the spreadsheet, database, and word processing files for the National 5 Administration and IT exam on Monday 29 April.

Files for the Higher Applications of Mathematics exam

The Higher Applications of Mathematics exam will take place on Friday 3 May. During the exam, learners are required to use spreadsheet and statistical software on a PC or other suitable device, and they must have access to the accompanying electronic files supplied by SQA.

We’ll publish the spreadsheet and word processing files for the Higher Applications of Mathematics exam on Wednesday 1 May.

Where to access the files

The files will be available on the SQA Secure website, and you’ll need login credentials to access them. You can then download and store the files until the day of the exam.

When you download the files, please check that they open and display correctly before storing them securely.

How to store the files

The files are confidential and must be subject to the same level of security as the question paper.

You must store the files securely by password-protecting them and saving them in a location where they cannot be accessed by learners or unauthorised persons before the exam takes place. The files must remain secure and confidential until the day of the exam.

Setting up the files on the day of the exam

On the day of the exam, the files should be set up on each PC or device, ready for learners to use. Please ensure that an authorised member of staff is available to do this.

An invigilator must be present when the files are being set up, as they are responsible for ensuring that each learner can access the files before the exam starts.

We also advise that you make contingency arrangements to ensure that another member of staff can access and set up the files in the absence of the designated staff member.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our NQ Assessment Team on 0345 213 6779 or email