NQ assessment arrangements
The Assessment Arrangements Request (AAR) system closed on Wednesday 7 February for adapted and digital paper requests. For any requests received after this date, we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to fulfil your specific request in time for the exam. In these cases, we’ll offer the nearest matching adapted question paper available.
Please ensure that any requests for non-standard coloured paper (outwith the seven standard colours available) are sent to us as soon as possible.
All other assessment arrangement requests must be submitted on the AAR system by Thursday 28 March.
Please note the following upcoming assessment arrangement deadlines:
- Submission of EAL spreadsheet – Thursday 28 March
- Submission of ‘Use of ICT’ spreadsheet for learners who don’t have additional support needs – Thursday 28 March
- Submission of ‘Transcription without correction’ spreadsheet – Thursday 28 March