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NextGen: HN Pilot Centre Update

Learner engagement: Round 2

We are currently preparing for the second round of learner engagement in session 2023 - 24, which will consist of 60 focus groups and are scheduled from Tuesday 23 April to Thursday 30 May.   

We have informed pilot centres about their allocated slots for the focus groups. If you haven't already done so, please confirm the allocated slot for your centre by contacting  Once all slots are confirmed, we will send an online invite to the designated contact within each centre. If the allocated slot is not suitable, please get in touch and we will make alternative arrangements.    

We will be sending a Discussion Guide to pilot centres w/c Monday 15 April. This guide should be shared with learners, to allow them to become familiar with the questions. The Discussion Guide will revisit some topics from the first round, such as meta-skills and learning for sustainability. But will have a greater focus on assessment and grading.  

If you have any queries, please contact us at