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NextGen: HN news

Pilot expansion 2024-25

We  recently invited centres to apply to pilot a limited number of subjects for session 2024 – 25 as part of a manageable expansion of the project.
We are pleased to confirm that the following centres will be joining the NextGen: HN project  alongside our current pilot centres in 2024 – 25.
One further application is still being considered and the outcome will follow at a later date. A full list of subjects and pilot centres for session 2024-25 can be found on our website.
We are thankful for the support of centres taking part and look forward to working with you all.
Separate to the qualifications being piloted, the following NextGen: HN qualifications are currently being developed:
We will confirm when these qualifications will be available for centres to deliver as a pilot by the end of August 2024.