Practitioner evaluation - key messages
We recently carried out engagement activity with practitioners at pilot delivery centres for NextGen HNC and HND qualifications to gain a deeper understanding of how delivery is going. Most of the meetings were carried out via MS Teams, but we were lucky enough to visit some colleges and speak in person.
Some centres were new to pilot delivery this year, and they are experiencing similar experiences to the NextGen: HNC pilot centres in 2022 - 23. They are currently becoming familiar with meta-skills, new grading models and a different approach to assessment. They expressed their gratitude to be involved in the project.
For those in their second pilot year of NextGen: HNC delivery, things are going well. It was clear that centres were learning from their experience of year one and were adapting their approaches to delivery in year two. In comparison to the last academic year, the pilot centres feel more comfortable with meta-skills and how their learners can evidence their development.
The grading models are being applied well and practitioners have a good understanding of them, many of them noting the support offered by SQA. For those delivering NextGen: HND qualifications for the first time but having delivered pilot NextGen: HNC qualifications session 2022 - 23, it was clear that they built upon their previous experience. This allowed them to make tweaks to assessment and delivery.
Those we engaged with were enthusiastic about the project and were confident in their approach to NextGen: HN and spoke positively about the resources and support available to them from SQA.