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Accreditation Newsletter

Incident reporting

There is a requirement for awarding bodies to report incidents to SQA Accreditation. This ensures compliance with regulatory principles 1, 4 and 7:  

If an awarding body becomes aware of any situation or incident that could negatively impact its accredited provision, it must ensure that it puts in place a strategy which protects the interest of any learners and providers, and communicates this to SQA Accreditation at the earliest opportunity. 

A reportable incident includes any identified risks or incidents which could have a significant or adverse impact on: 

Examples of reportable incidents include: 

While this list is not exhaustive, it provides some guidance on what constitutes a reportable incident. If you are unsure if an incident is reportable then always contact your regulation manager to discuss. 

When reporting an incident to your regulation manager please include the following details: 

We would encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on your current systems and practices for identifying incidents and escalation routes. 

If you require further guidance, please refer to the Guidance Note and contact your regulation manager if needed.