English - Change to National 4 added value unit requirements
Based on feedback from the teaching profession, and as part of our ongoing review and maintenance of National Courses, we’re changing the requirements of the National 4 English added value unit from session 2024-25.
What’s changing:
Currently, the added value unit requires learners to read and evaluate at least two straightforward texts and present their findings in an informative essay, argumentative essay, critical essay, report, or oral presentation.
From session 2024-25, learners will be required to read one text or more and present their findings in a critical essay or oral presentation. The updated added value unit assessment will also state that learners can choose a literary text.
This will result in some changes to the outcome and assessment standards in the added value unit.
Why we’re making this change:
This change removes some areas of the added value unit that have proven too demanding for National 4 level, including the level of independence required and the focus on evaluating sources. This will also improve progression from National 4 to the National 5 English course.
Learners will continue to be assessed on the key skill of reading and will demonstrate understanding, analysis and evaluation of the text(s).
Updated course and unit documents
We’ve updated the National 4 course specification, course and unit support notes, added value unit specification, and the added value unit assessment support pack to reflect these changes.
The updated documents are dated May 2024 and are valid for session 2024-25 onwards.
You can access them from the National 4 English web page.