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SQA News UK 10 October 2024

Reminder of annual pricing review of qualifications

Since gaining Ofqual recognition in 2010, we haven’t increased prices for our customers for Ofqual regulated qualifications. However, as we previously explained in our email to centres on 18 July, due to increasing costs in delivering our products and services, we had to take the difficult decision to implement a price increase across some of our qualifications from September 2024. The new price continues to cover the entry and certification fee for learners.

Working in a highly regulated industry, it’s essential for us to maintain high levels of quality and customer service. We’re not driven by profit and always aim to ensure that our qualification prices are competitive.

The price increases are detailed on our ‘Charges and fees: SQA qualifications in England and Wales’ web page.

The increase means that we can continue to:

If you have any queries about the price increase, please contact your SQA regional manager.