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SQA News 24 October 2024

A guide for Scotland's teachers on care experience and corporate parenting

As part of Care Experienced Week, we are pleased to share a new publication from Who Cares? Scotland - A Guide for Scotland’s Teachers on Care Experience and Corporate Parenting. We worked closely with Who Cares? Scotland to help produce this guide, which shares insight into the lives of care experienced learners and the important role we all play as corporate parents.

The guide is available from the Who Cares? Scotland website []. We encourage you to read this guide and reflect on your role as a corporate parent to care experienced young people in your centre.

SQA is a proud corporate parent, and we have learned that by removing some of the smallest obstacles, everyone with care experience can thrive and reach their full potential. All learners need positive and stable relationships with people who believe in their skills, strengths and talents, and schools form an important part of the scaffolding of support for care experienced young people.

Please email if you have any questions or would like to share your feedback.