Entry deadline
The deadline for course and unit entries for schools is tomorrow, Friday 1 November 2024. To ensure successful delivery of the exam diet, please confirm that data for your learners is as accurate as possible by this date. This helps us with the preparation for key processes for the 2025 exams.
Please note our policy is that any National 4 entries, course or unit received after the end of summer term 2025 will be automatically deferred to 2026. This policy has been in place since 2022, and we will not make any exceptions to it.
When submitting entries for your learners, please consider the most appropriate level for their ability and the workload implications associated with each qualification. Dual entering a learner at both National 4 and National 5 will likely increase workload for your learners and teachers.
National 5 and Higher English – Spoken Language component
For learners to achieve the full National 5 or Higher English course, they must be entered and passed for the English: Spoken Language component.
- National 5 English (C824 75) – Spoken Language component (HK57 75)
- Higher English (C824 76) – Spoken Language component (JOOT 76)
Where the spoken language component hasn’t been entered for a learner entered for the course, we’ll issue an entries eligibility report in November that will include the Spoken Language component.
Advanced Higher Music course codes
There are two course codes for Advanced Higher Music:
- C850 77 – Advanced Higher Music – you must enter learners for this course code if they are preparing either for two instruments, or one instrument and voice performance
- C878 77 – Advanced Higher Music: Portfolio – you must enter learners for this course code if they are preparing for their composing portfolio to be externally marked by SQA.
Please ensure that all Advanced Higher Music learners have been entered for the correct course code.
Advanced Higher Art and Design
There are two course codes for Advanced Higher Art and Design:
- C805 77 – Art and Design (Expressive)
- C806 77 – Art and Design (Design)
Please ensure that you enter all Advanced Higher learners for the correct course code and that you submit all portfolio work in line with the learner’s course entry.
If you have any questions or require support with the submission of entries, please contact Data Services at national.qualifications@sqa.org.uk or 0345 213 6612 option 1 – Data Services.