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SQA News 5 December 2024

SOLAR - Training webinars

We’re hosting a series of training webinars on navigating the SOLAR website and the Surpass system, following feedback we’ve recently received.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

The webinars will take place in January 2025 and, if you are interested in enhancing your knowledge of SOLAR, we encourage you and your colleagues to attend all three sessions. Each webinar will focus on different topics, with opportunities for participants to ask questions during each session.

To register your interest, please complete the Microsoft Form below. We’ll follow up closer to the date with an invitation to join the sessions, which will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. Please note that responses can be submitted until Friday 13 December 2024.

Complete the Microsoft Form

These webinars are open to anyone in a centre who uses the SOLAR website and the Surpass system, so please feel free to share this information with your colleagues.