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Co-ordinator Update 3 February 2025

Audio CD requirements request form

If you have candidates entered for Modern Languages, ESOL, or Music, you need to request audio CDs for the exam.

We emailed the CD requirements request form to SQA co-ordinators during the week beginning Monday 13 January. If you haven’t received this form, please email You must return the form to us by Monday 17 February.

When completing your request for audio CDs, you must only request the exact number of CDs that you need, and only for subjects with candidate entries.

CDs with 25% extra time built in are only available for candidates with an approved ‘extra time’ assessment arrangement, and you can only request one CD per candidate.

Delivery of audio files

If your centre is unable to access files on a CD, we can supply the files electronically instead. However, this option is only for centres who can’t access files on a CD. Please note that, if you request electronic files, you’ll receive those instead of a CD.

If you need us to supply electronic files, please indicate this on the CD requirements request form using the box provided before submitting it to us by the deadline on Monday 17 February.