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SQA News UK 5 February 2025

Revised fees

We continue to offer internationally recognised qualifications and services at competitive prices. We currently offer a single fee system which covers candidate entry, quality assurance and certification with no minimum threshold.

However, due to increasing costs in delivering our products and services, we are introducing an annual standing fee of £750 and amending some of our current fees. Candidate entry fees will remain at current levels. 

We will apply these changes from Tuesday 1 April 2025.   

Annual standing fee   

From 1 April, your centre will be required to pay an annual standing fee of £750 to enable us to provide a range of ongoing services. This will be based on your centre’s invoice value for the previous financial year (April-March) and will be paid annually, in April.

Please note that your centre will not be required to pay the annual standing fee if your payment terms were met and your invoice value was £10,000 or more in the previous financial year.  

By implementing the annual standing fee, we can continue to:     

Qualification approval application fee    

We’re increasing our qualification approval application fee to £200 as part of the formal process which supports existing approved centres to expand their range of SQA qualifications.  

However, we’ll no longer charge this fee for every qualification approval application submitted. 

You will not be charged a qualification approval application fee if:  

To achieve successful delivery of our qualifications, you must have current entries for a higher-level qualification and must not have had any non-compliant qualification verification activity in the previous 12 months.   

Overview of additional fees for 2025-26  

In addition to the fees highlighted above, we’ve also amended the following fees:   

If you have any questions, please contact your account manager.