Computing Science - Correction to Higher coursework assessment task
We’ve made some corrections to the 2025 Higher Computing Science coursework assessment task.
Software design and development – correction to date
In task 1: software design and development, we’ve corrected a typographical error within the sample data in part 1d. On the first line of the sample data, the date 31 October 2024 used the format ‘31-Oct,24’. The correct format is ’31-Oct-24’.
We apologise for this error. We’ve updated the sample data on page 19 of the coursework assessment task and on page 4 of the assignment task 1c document (PDF and Word versions) to the correct date format.
Assignment task documents – removal of ‘candidate name’ field
We’re moving to marking from image (MFI) this session, so we only need learners to enter their candidate number for the assignment. However, some of the separate task documents still contained a ‘candidate name’ field in both the PDF and Word versions. We’ve removed this from the documents as it’s no longer needed.
If you’ve already downloaded the files, you can still use them, but please advise your learners that they don’t need to provide their name.
Updated documents
The updated Higher Computing Science coursework assessment task and separate assignment task documents are dated February 2025, version 1.1.
They are available from the NQ Computing Science section of the SQA Secure website (log-in needed), and you can access them through your SQA co-ordinator.
Please use these updated versions with your learners when completing the assignment. You must store the documents securely (for example, in a password-protected folder) before using them with your learners.
If you have any questions, please email