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SQA News 6 February 2025

Understanding Standards - new subject-specific materials available

We’ve published new Understanding Standards materials for Computing Science, Media, and Physical Education.

The following materials are now available from our Understanding Standards website.

Computing Science


Physical Education

About Understanding Standards materials

We have a significant range of online resources to help you develop your understanding of national standards for assessment in your courses and prepare your learners for assessment.

This includes candidate evidence and commentary materials – real examples of candidate assessment evidence, with a written commentary by an SQA senior examiner that explains why and where candidates have been awarded marks.

We also have a wide range of webinar recordings and audio presentations, which explain the requirements for assessments. We continually review our Understanding Standards materials to make sure they stay relevant and up to date for each course.

Visit to access Understanding Standards materials for your courses.

A list of the most recently published Understanding Standards materials is available from

Some Understanding Standards materials are available from the SQA Secure website, for assessments where the evidence must be kept secure and confidential. You can arrange access to secure Understanding Standards materials through your SQA co-ordinator.