SQA outlines vision for successor body in Muir Review response

1 December 2021

In its response to Professor Ken Muir’s consultation on the future shape of Scotland’s national education agencies, SQA calls for a new national body with responsibility for:

SQA also believes the new body provides an opportunity to be bold on driving forward digital assessment and to put learners at the heart of a more collaborative approach to decision-making.

Fiona Robertson, SQA Chief Executive, comments: “Our response to Professor Muir’s consultation is forward-looking, setting out the collective vision of SQA staff. It identifies opportunities for the whole education and training system in Scotland and sets out how, with the right investment, expertise and resources, these can be realised.

“We believe that a new organisation, maximising the existing wealth of expertise and experience of staff in SQA, could provide the catalyst to improve how education and training can meet the needs of learners, labour markets, and the economy.”

In its wide ranging submission, SQA asserts that by having one organisation responsible for the development of curriculum, assessment, accreditation and qualifications, together with the right level of support for teachers and lecturers, all partners and stakeholders in Scottish education could collectively get behind a coherent, credible and sustainable system.

David Middleton, SQA Chair, comments: “In addition to providing views on the future, our response highlights the ongoing importance and coherence of SQA’s current functions and statutory responsibilities – and the need for continued safe and secure delivery of a broad range of qualifications to schools, colleges, training providers and employers.”

The full text, detailing SQA’s response to Professor Muir’s consultation. (619 KB)