Supportive practices for National Literacy Units

Information for teachers and lecturers who deliver National Literacy Units to disabled learners and/or learners with identified additional support needs.

Support in National Literacy Units

Literacy support for learners

Assessment of Talking and Listening

Assessment support: annotated Unit Assessment Support packs

Annotated Unit assessment support packs are available for Literacy Units at National 3 and National 4. These documents are designed to encourage and promote inclusive practice in the assessment of National Literacy Units, particularly where learners may have reading and writing difficulties. These packs are available from our secure website and you can arrange access to them through your SQA Co-ordinator. They must be stored securely and treated as confidential.

Exemplars / commentaries: meeting the Assessment Standards

We have published interactive exemplars, which show examples of candidate evidence that meets the required standards for the Reading and Writing Outcomes in National 3 and National 4 Literacy Units. These are taken from archived Core Skill Communication Units.

Case study - Portobello High School - Literacy across learning

The following case study from Portobello High School provides an insight into their S1 'Literacy across learning' project to encourage the development of literacy skills across the curriculum. This includes examples of the lesson plans that were used.