What is Wider Achievement?
SQA Awards are designed to recognise wider achievement and the development of skills which help learners to succeed in today’s world. Wider Achievement recognises the life and work skills that come from a range of activities which can include sport, mentoring, voluntary work or fundraising.
There are SQA Awards and other qualifications from SCQF levels 1 to 6 which are suitable for a range of learners. Some Awards can be delivered alongside Youth Awards to give a nationally recognised SQA qualification, while others can be offered as part of Skills Development Scotland (SDS) employability fund contracts (subject to meeting SDS criteria). Check with your local SDS contact for more information.
Benefits to learners
When designing these Awards practitioners reported that skills which young people need go beyond subject knowledge and academic skills, and include a range of other abilities that help in the world of work and in everyday life.
These qualifications provide opportunities for learners to:
- develop self-confidence and self-belief in what they can achieve
- improve the 'soft skills' involved in communication and team working
- gain transferable employability skills
How an Award is differentiated across SCQF levels 2 - 6
SCQF level 2
- The learner will work with frequent and direct support: the teacher/lecturer will issue explicit instructions/provide assistance.
- The learner will respond and participate: agree to ideas, suggestions and plans.
- Tasks and activities will be very simple: routine and familiar and supported/supervised.
SCQF level 3
- The learner will work with directive support: the teacher/lecturer will issue explicit instructions.
- The learner will participate: agree to ideas, suggestion and plans.
- Tasks and activities will be basic: routine and familiar.
SCQF level 4
- The learner will work with support: the teacher/lecturer will offer advice.
- The learner will contribute: offer some ideas and/or suggestions.
- Tasks and activities will be straightforward: consisting of routine elements.
SCQF level 5
- The learner will work with minimum support: the teacher/lecturer will respond to specific questions from the learner.
- The learner will negotiate: put forward suggestions and ideas and agree a way forward.
- Tasks and activities will be detailed: consisting of some routine and non-routine elements.
SCQF level 6
- The learner will work with non-directive supervision: learners will take responsibility for their own learning but the teacher/lecturer may explain and interpret it.
- The learner will take some supervisory responsibility: take the lead in some aspects of the work.
- Tasks and activities will be complex: consisting of some non-routine elements.
Further information
Contact us to find out more.
Telephone: 0303 333 0330
Contact form
Related Information
- Awards from SQA (336 KB)
- Catalogue of National Qualifications (836 KB)
- Changes to Unit Specifications and Frameworks
- NQ Annual Update (406 KB)
Contact Information
- Candidate Enquiries
- 0345 279 1000
- Centre Enquiries
- 0303 333 0330