Examination Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Service
The Examination Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Service (EECCS) opens on Monday 22 April 2024. The service supports learners who have been unable to attend an exam, or whose performance in the exam has been affected by a personal circumstance, or who have experienced an unplanned incident on the day.
This is a pre-certification service, and all learners are eligible for it where:
- they have experienced a valid exceptional circumstance
- they have completed all the compulsory non-question paper components
- they have had an estimate submitted
- alternative academic evidence, produced under the correct conditions, is available.
The service is free and is available for all exams in the 2024 timetable. Please note that the closing date for the service is 10 days after the exam for which the request is being made. As in previous years, the final decision to submit an EECCS request on behalf of a learner will rest with the head of centre. Please note that we won’t consider requests post certification.
We've now published the EECCS Information for Centres document and System User Guide on SQA Connect. Please refer to this guidance for full information about the service.
In addition, we’ve updated the EECCS page on our website. This information is particularly useful to learners, parents and carers and so you may wish to tell them about it through your usual channels.
If you have any questions about EECCS, please contact our helpdesk on 0345 213 6640 or eec.enquiries@sqa.org.uk.