NPA Volunteering Skills SCQF level 6

This NPA in Volunteering Skills at SCQF level 6 provides formal recognition of volunteering activity. Through participation in volunteering activities, candidates will develop a range of skills and personal development experiences which will help to prepare them for responsibility, further education and employment.
It covers areas such as the history and context of volunteering; planning a volunteering placement; review and reflecting on own skills and the volunteering experience.
This qualification is available through schools, colleges and training providers.
NPAs can be taught as a full-time course over one year or as a part-time course over two years.
Examples of secondary features:
- knowledge and better understanding of the volunteering landscape within their own community
- practical, technical and transferable skills such as self-evaluation
- oral, written and evaluation abilities
- resource management, presentation and organisational skills
Examples of benefits to centres:
- providing bite-sized chunks of learning that are straightforward for centres to adopt and for learners to study
- enabling learners to gain new skills quickly and cost effectively
- providing centres with opportunities to work in partnership with employers/other centres
Qualification structure
Group award code:GV6V 46
SCQF level: 6
This National Progression Award consists of 3 mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points). Mandatory units include: Volunteering: Preparing to Volunteer, Volunteering in Action and Evaluate the Volunteering Experience.
See the group award specification for the full list of units (262 KB).
How to assess
Assessment will be a combination of practical and knowledge assessments under open-book assessment conditions. See the assessment and evidence requirements for each unit.
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Why study this qualification
The NPA in Volunteering Skills is designed for a wide range of learners, including:
- learners who are at school or who have just left school
- mature learners who have been out of education for a long period of time
- individuals who are currently in employment and wish to obtain a formal qualification
- those who are looking to access HN programmes
- individuals who are seeking national recognition of their achievements
The qualification is also suitable for learners looking to gain formal recognition through a volunteering activity.
You will develop practical, technical and transferable skills such as self evaluation, oral, written and evaluation abilities and resource management, presentation and organisational skills.
You will also develop important core skills such as communication, numeracy, working with others and problem solving.
Entry is at the discretion of the centre.
There are no specific entry requirements. However, learners who have achieved one or more of the Awards in Volunteering will benefit from the experience gained from these.
Achievement of National Qualifications at SCQF level 5 may be beneficial.
Employment and progression
You could use this SCQF level 6 award to progress to:
- study at SCQF level 7
- an HNC/HND in, for example, Working with Communities or a related area
- enhance opportunities for employment
Qualification structure
Group award code:GV6V 46
SCQF level: 6
This National Progression Award consists of 3 mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points). Mandatory units include: Volunteering: Preparing to Volunteer, Volunteering in Action and Evaluate the Volunteering Experience.
See the group award specification for the full list of units (262 KB).