NPA Music Business SCQF level 6

The National Progression Award (NPA) in Music Business at SCQF level 6 introduces candidates to different areas of the business side of the music industry. It may encourage further study or lead to employment opportunities within the sector.
The qualification provides articulation from existing NQ Courses in Music to further study. Learners will gain specific knowledge and experience of the UK music business.
Successful completion of the NPA will demonstrate to potential employers and/or educational institutes that the candidate has developed abilities relevant to the music industry, including organisational, research, reflective, planning and self-motivational skills, and up-to-date knowledge of the organisations and operations of the UK music industry.
This qualification is widely available in colleges and schools.
Qualification structure
Group Award Code: G9KN 46 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
Arrangements Document - NPA Music Business at SCQF level 6 (204 KB)
Candidates are required to complete two mandatory Units and one of five optional Units.
Mandatory Units
- Music: Promotion in the Music Industry ¿ F5E7 12
- Music: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry ¿ F58J 12
Any other information
The Units for the NPA in Music Business are taken from the frameworks of the National Certificates (NCs) in Music (G978 46) and Sound Production (G977 46). Should a candidate progress on to either of these qualifications they would already have accrued a number of credits towards the NC, depending on specific selection of Units.
Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) are available for the following Units: Music: Promotion in the Music Industry; Music: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry; Music: Management in the Music Industry; Creative Project; Appreciation of Music; Music: Organising a Community-based Musical Activity; and Intellectual Property.
How to assess
The assessment strategy for the NPA in Music Business aims for a balanced approach, with equal emphasis placed upon practical activities and demonstrating knowledge and understanding through written or oral presentations. The structure of the NPA lends itself to a combination of practical and theoretical approaches to assessment. Integration of assessments for Units will provide the candidates with a more meaningful learning experience and will promote a greater understanding of the overall subject area and how Units are related to each other and the greater music industry itself.
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Why study this qualification
The NPA in Music Business can be accessed by a broad range of candidates looking to learn about the music business at a non-advanced level.
It is suitable for college students, school pupils, school leavers and adult learners who have an interest in and/or experience of the business side of the music industry.
It can also be used for continuous professional development for those who are currently in the workplace but may lack formal qualifications. They can access this qualification as a means of gaining formal recognition of skills or to update their knowledge.
Access to the NPA is at the discretion of each centre, however candidates would benefit from previous experience of a Music or Business Course or Units.
Those without formal qualifications may prove to have suitable experience and skills gained through work or work experience to embark on an SCQF level 6 qualification.
Employment and progression
The NPA has the potential to improve progression to further study or to provide candidates with the relevant experience and skills to prepare for entry into the music industry.
Successful candidates may progress to other Music or Music Business related programmes such as: NC Music; NC Sound Production; HNC Music Business; HNC Music; HNC Sound Production.
Alternatively, they may choose to complete other NPAs in related areas, such as: NPA Music Performing; NPA Sound Production: Recording; and NPA Sound Production: Live.
Qualification structure
Group Award Code: G9KN 46 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
Arrangements Document - NPA Music Business at SCQF level 6 (204 KB)
Candidates are required to complete two mandatory Units and one of five optional Units.
Mandatory Units
- Music: Promotion in the Music Industry ¿ F5E7 12
- Music: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry ¿ F58J 12
Any other information
The Units for the NPA in Music Business are taken from the frameworks of the National Certificates (NCs) in Music (G978 46) and Sound Production (G977 46). Should a candidate progress on to either of these qualifications they would already have accrued a number of credits towards the NC, depending on specific selection of Units.
Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) are available for the following Units: Music: Promotion in the Music Industry; Music: An Introduction to the UK Music Industry; Music: Management in the Music Industry; Creative Project; Appreciation of Music; Music: Organising a Community-based Musical Activity; and Intellectual Property.