NPA Technical Theatre in Practice SCQF level 6

The National Progression Award (NPA) in Technical Theatre in Practice at SCQF level 6 is designed to provide candidates with a range of design skills for use in technical theatre. Candidates use design skills as well as specialising in specific areas such as lighting, sound, prop making or model set construction.
Candidates may also have the opportunity to integrate their skills through a project, depending on which optional Unit is selected from the framework.
The NPA is part of SQA's national qualifications framework in Drama. Specifically, it is one of a new suite of small NPAs which cover a range of aspects of the theatre industry.
This qualification is available in schools and colleges.
Qualification structure
Group Award Code:G9KR 46 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
NPA Technical Theatre in Practice at SCQF level 6 (227 KB)
The framework consists of NQ Units drawn from the framework of the National Certificate in Technical Theatre at SCQF level 6 (G98C 46). There are two mandatory Units and one further Unit should be selected from the optional section.
Mandatory Units
Technical Theatre in Context — F5L5 12
Theatrical Design — F697 12
Optional Units (choose one from 5)
Theatre Stage Lighting Operations - F693 12
Theatre Stage Sound Operations - F694 12
Theatrical Prop Making - F5LE 12
Creative Project - F58F 12
Theatre Stage Model Set Construction - F699 12
Any other information
Most Units have Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) which provide sample assessment material including an instrument of assessment, specified briefs and checklists. ASPs are available for:
Technical Theatre in Context — F5L5 12
Theatrical Design — F697 12
Theatre Stage Lighting Operations — F693 12
Theatre Stage Sound Operations — F694 12
Creative Project — F58F 12
These can be downloaded from SQA's secure website.
How to assess
Unit assessment may take place on an ongoing basis during the delivery of the NPA. It is also possible for an integrated approach to assessment to be adopted.
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Optional assessment guidance
This guidance is optional. You can use this guidance or deliver and assess as outlined in the group award specification.
Optional assessment guidance (134 KB)
See also the general HNVQ optional assessment guidance: Information and guidance for centres. (273 KB)
Where can you take this course?
Why study this qualification
This NPA is accessible to school and college candidates, as well as adult returners/learners who have an interest or relevant experience in technical theatre. It may also be used for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and could also interest anyone currently in an amateur dramatics group.
It allows candidates to develop a defined set of skills and knowledge in the specialist vocational area of technical theatre which are directly relevant to current and/or future practice. It will give candidates the ability and confidence to work independently and perhaps go on to continue their studies.
While entry is at the discretion of the centre, candidates would benefit from previous experience of a course that included some element of design and problem solving skills or related work-based experience and skills at SCQF levels 4 and 5.
Employment and progression
Successful candidates may progress to:
- NC Technical Theatre or HNC Technical Theatre
- Higher education
- employment in technical theatre or the creative industries sector
Qualification structure
Group Award Code:G9KR 46 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
NPA Technical Theatre in Practice at SCQF level 6 (227 KB)
The framework consists of NQ Units drawn from the framework of the National Certificate in Technical Theatre at SCQF level 6 (G98C 46). There are two mandatory Units and one further Unit should be selected from the optional section.
Mandatory Units
Technical Theatre in Context — F5L5 12
Theatrical Design — F697 12
Optional Units (choose one from 5)
Theatre Stage Lighting Operations - F693 12
Theatre Stage Sound Operations - F694 12
Theatrical Prop Making - F5LE 12
Creative Project - F58F 12
Theatre Stage Model Set Construction - F699 12
Any other information
Most Units have Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) which provide sample assessment material including an instrument of assessment, specified briefs and checklists. ASPs are available for:
Technical Theatre in Context — F5L5 12
Theatrical Design — F697 12
Theatre Stage Lighting Operations — F693 12
Theatre Stage Sound Operations — F694 12
Creative Project — F58F 12
These can be downloaded from SQA's secure website.