
The Drama Course allows learners to explore both the practical and analytical aspects of the subject. Learners develop skills through practical aspects of theatre, the creative exploration of the art of theatre and its forms and practices.

Common questions

Guidance on gender of acting roles in Drama performances

At SQA, we recognise that no young person should be put in a position where they feel uncomfortable taking on an acting role for their performance assessment, including roles of a particular gender. Therefore, candidates who are assessed for their Drama performances have the option to choose roles that are the same as, or different from, the gender they identify with. This option applies to all acting pieces.

It is important to note, however, that the textual clues that make up the character they want to play (age, personality etc) must be adhered to. The gender and names of the characters within the play must not be changed as it will affect the context and viewing of the play, and what the playwright intended. Centres should support candidates in choosing the most appropriate role for their performance assessment.

See also: