NPA Dance SCQF level 4
National Progression Awards (NPAs) assess a defined set of skills and knowledge in specialist vocational areas.
The National Progression Award (NPA) in Dance at SCQF level 4 is an introductory qualification in Dance in which learners explore choreography and gain an appreciation of dance skills and techniques.
It allows to learners to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in choreography and two different styles of dance selected from the following: Classical, Contemporary, Jazz, Alternative, Scottish and Ethnic.
The qualification can be delivered through secondary schools, colleges, training providers and school/college partnerships, private dance schools or performing arts centres.
From August 2024, any centre planning on offering NPA Dance courses must apply for approval beforehand, as these qualifications are no longer on the auto-approved list.
Centres who have had a break in delivering these qualifications also need to apply for approval.
Requirements for approval
You must show that teachers and lecturers delivering/assessing/verifying Dance have completed two years' successful study of dance to at least HND (SCQF level 8), or have extensive knowledge in dance supported by qualifications through accredited awarding bodies (a minimum of 40 SCQF credit points at level 7 and 40 SCQF points at level 8). It would be beneficial if teaching staff have or are working towards GTC registration in Dance. For private centres, it would be favourable if staff have or are working towards SQA assessor qualifications.
Qualification structure
Group Award code: GG7M 44 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 4
Group Award Specification - NPA Dance SCQF level 4 (392 KB)
The NPA in Dance is a 120 hour programme of study in total. There is one mandatory Unit and two optional Units. A minimum of 18 SCQF points are required to achieve the award. However, each Unit can also be delivered on a free-standing basis.
How to assess
Most of the assessment is practical-based with assignments/tasks.
Units in the NPA have an assessment support pack (ASP) which provides sample assessment material including an instrument of assessment, specified briefs and checklists. Centres wishing to develop their own assessments should refer to the ASPs to ensure a comparable standard. These ASPs can be downloaded from the NQGA section of SQA's secure site.
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Why study this qualification
This NPA may appeal to a wide range of learners who have an interest in dance and the performing arts, including:
- school pupils
- college students
- students from performing arts centres and private dance schools
- adult learners/returners
- individuals who wish to pursue a career in the area of dance
Access to this award is at the discretion of the centre. However, learners would benefit from having an interest in Dance and performance.
Employment and progression
The level 4 award could provide progression to:
- NQ Dance Unit(s) (SCQF level 5)
- NPA in Dance Level 5 (SCQF level 5)
- National 5 Dance Course (SCQF level 5)
Qualification structure
Group Award code: GG7M 44 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 4
Group Award Specification - NPA Dance SCQF level 4 (392 KB)
The NPA in Dance is a 120 hour programme of study in total. There is one mandatory Unit and two optional Units. A minimum of 18 SCQF points are required to achieve the award. However, each Unit can also be delivered on a free-standing basis.
Where can you take this course?
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Contact Information
- Candidate Enquiries
- 0345 279 1000
- Centre Enquiries
- 0303 333 0330