NPA Social Services and Healthcare SCQF level 6

National Progression Awards (NPAs) assess a defined set of skills and knowledge in specialist vocational areas, linked to National Occupational Standards.
The NPA Social Services and Healthcare is a combination of assessment and practice based experience: introducing key care learning themes that can be a basis for future development. It is also a requirement of the Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 6 and provides the underpinning knowledge of the SVQ 2 Social Services and Healthcare mandatory units. The SVQ 2 Social Services and Healthcare is the benchmark qualification for registration with Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) as a support worker.
This NPA develops knowledge and understanding of the care sector; practical and transferable skills; oral, written and evaluation abilities; problem solving and planning capabilities; skills for working with others; and organisational and communication skills. The topics covered include social services in Scotland, communication in care relationships, safeguarding people, safe practice and wellbeing in social services, and human development and social influences.
The qualification is available through schools, colleges and training providers.
Qualification structure
The NPA Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 6 consists of five mandatory units (24 SCQF credit points).
For further information on the Units and structure of the qualification please refer to the Group Award Specification document.
Group award specification
GL3W46 (484 KB)
Additional Resources
How to assess
Assessment of this award will be a combination of practical and knowledge assessment. It is recommended that centres refer to the assessment and evidence requirements for each unit.
Assessment/e-assessment support packs will be made available for this qualification.
The delivery of the award is at the individual centre's discretion.
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Why study this qualification
The NPA is suitable for:
- learners who are at school in S5 and S6 who may wish to undertake the NPA as part of the Foundation Apprenticeship Social Services and Healthcare
- mature candidates who may have been out of education for a long period of time
- individuals who are currently in employment and wish to obtain a formal qualification
- those who are looking to access HN programmes
- employees who want to develop their careers
- individuals who are seeking national recognition of their achievements
- employers who wish their employees to take part in short continuing professional development courses
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. However, it is recommended that learners entering the SCQF level 6 award should have completed some learning at National 5 level, or equivalent.
Employment and progression
The SCQF level 6 award could provide progression to:
- SCQF/QCF level 7
- an HNC in Social Services
- an NC in Early Education and Childcare
- an SVQ 2/ Modern Apprenticeship in Social Services and Healthcare
- an SVQ 2 Social Services (Children and Young People)
- an SVQ 3 in Social Services and Healthcare
- employment in the care sector
Qualification structure
The NPA Social Services and Healthcare at SCQF level 6 consists of five mandatory units (24 SCQF credit points).
For further information on the Units and structure of the qualification please refer to the Group Award Specification document.
Group award specification
GL3W46 (484 KB)
Additional Resources