NPA Creative and Digital Media: Technologies, Processes and Practices SCQF level 6

National Progression Awards (NPAs) assess a defined set of skills and knowledge in specialist vocational areas, linked to National Occupational Standards. The NPA in Creative and Digital Media: Technologies, Processes and Practices at SCQF level 6 introduces learners to technologies, processes and practices that are important in the creative and digital technology sector.
This NPA develops knowledge and understanding of processes and disciplines in the creative industries sector; practical, technical and transferable skills; oral, written and evaluation abilities; resource management; problem solving and planning; and organisational and communication skills.
This qualification covers areas such as: career paths, job roles and the responsibilities of those working within the creative industries; the generic skills and attitudes valued by employers; storytelling techniques (traditional and emerging techniques); the key elements of the creative process (media platforms, media commissioning, audience research and legal controls); and the structure and language of creative briefs and how they can be interpreted. The qualification is available through schools, colleges and training providers.
Qualification structure
Group Award code: GM16 46 (30 SCQF credit points)
The NPA Creative and Digital Media: Technologies, Processes and Practices at SCQF level 6 consists of four mandatory Units (30 SCQF credit points).
Structure (164 KB)
J3Y4 04 Work Effectively with Others in the Creative Industries
Customised unit – J6BW 04
Work Effectively with Others in the Creative Industries
J465 04 Ensure Responsibility for Actions to Reduce Risks to Health and Safety
Customised unit – J6BX 04
Ensure Responsibility for Actions to Reduce Risks to Health and Safety
J3YK 04 Prepare for and Conduct Interviews in Creative Media
Customised unit – J6BY 04
Prepare for and Conduct Interviews in Creative Media
J3YP 04 Communicate Using Marketing/Sales Channels
Customised unit – J6C1 04
Communicate Using Marketing/Sales Channels
H6PH 04 Use Digital and Social Media in Marketing Campaigns
Customised unit - J4ED 04
Use Digital and Social Media in Marketing Campaigns
J3YR 04 Record Audio and Video Material
Customised unit – J6C2 04
Record Audio and Video Material
J3YS 04
Edit Audio and Video Material
Customised unit – J6C4 04
Edit Audio and Video Material
Qualification Verification Summary Report
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Group Award Specification
Group Award Specification (164 KB)
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Why study this qualification
NPAs are trusted because they are developed by practitioners from industry and are supported by the relevant sector skills council (SSC). The NPA in Creative and Digital Media: Technologies, Processes and Practices was developed in partnership with Creative Skillset and employers. Creative Skillset is the SSC for the creative industries.
The NPA in Creative and Digital Media: Technologies, Processes and Practices at SCQF level 6 offers current, fit-for-purpose, bite-sized chunks of learning that are straightforward for centres to adopt and for learners to study. New skills can be gained quickly and cost-effectively.
NPAs provide opportunities for partnership delivery that can provide benefits for partners and increase options for learners.
NPAs can add value and breadth to a CV for a learner by developing vocational skills.
This NPA covers SCQF levels 5 and 6 allowing clear progression and development routes to:
- further and higher education
- employment
This NPA provides opportunities to develop:
- Core Skills transferable skills
- employability skills
If the NPA is being offered as part of the Foundation Apprenticeship, it is expected that learners will complete the NPA in S5 or S6.
If offered as a stand-alone qualification, the NPA could be undertaken in one of the following modes:
- full-time (eg as a fast-track into full a NC or HN programme)
- part-time (eg day-release)
- evening provision
Qualification structure
Group Award code: GM16 46 (30 SCQF credit points)
The NPA Creative and Digital Media: Technologies, Processes and Practices at SCQF level 6 consists of four mandatory Units (30 SCQF credit points).
Structure (164 KB)