HNC Automotive Engineering

The Higher National Certificate provides candidates with skills that are relevant to the modern automotive engineering industry. This includes skills in automotive engineering principles and technologies; an in-depth knowledge of the vehicular systems; and understanding of components and integration of the associated systems. Candidates develop specialist competences in one of the automotive engineering sectors: Light Motor Vehicle; Heavy Goods Vehicle; or Plant and Electrical/Electronic.
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Who does this qualification suit
The Higher National Certificate will provide you with skills that are relevant to the modern automotive engineering industry.
As with all SQA qualifications, access to the HNC will be at the discretion of centres. Examples of formal and recommended entry requirements include:
- Two Highers (SCQF level 6)
- Previous or current experience of employment in the Automotive Engineering industry
- Successful completion of a relevant programme of study, eg SVQ level 3, VRQ level 3, BTEC level 3
Employment and progression
There are employment opportunities in a variety of contexts drawing on the different options in the HNC. Employers want to recruit multi-skilled employees who demonstrate good practical skills, possess diagnostic skills and have a good knowledge of current vehicle systems. The ability to solve problems and demonstrate good communication skills are also in demand.
With suitable experience you may gain employment as a: Service Technician; Master Technician; Service Receptionist Engineer; Workshop Controller.
The University of the West of Scotland will consider holders of the HNC Automotive Engineering for entry to Year 1 of its Honours Degrees in Motorsport Design Engineering; Product Design and Development; and Engineering Management.
Both the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) and the Institute of Road Transport Engineers (IRTE) will consider the HNC as an entry qualification for membership.
In all cases, your application for entry to Higher Education or for professional recognition would be assessed on an individual basis.
What you'll learn
The Higher National Certificate will provide you with skills that are relevant to the modern automotive engineering industry. This includes skills in automotive engineering principles and technologies; an in-depth knowledge of the vehicular systems; and understanding of components and integration of the associated systems. You will develop specialist competences in one of the automotive engineering sectors: Light Motor Vehicle; Heavy Goods Vehicle; or Plant and Electrical/Electronic.
On completing the HNC, you should be able to analyse automotive engineering problems, and apply a logical and systematic approach to diagnosis of components and inter-disciplinary vehicular systems.
Where can you take this course?
Arrangements Documents
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
- 2015 Automotive Engineering (153 KB)
Related Information
- A guide to HNs (406 KB)
- HN Catalogue (2.03 MB)
- Changes to unit/group award and frameworks
- HN Annual Update (362 KB)
- Authenticating learners work good practice advice (123 KB)
- Updated conditions of assessment for HN Graded Units - August 2018 (49 KB)