Considering the content of the qualification structure
When considering the content of the qualification structure the QDT should, in the first instance, determine suitability of existing catalogue of National Qualifications (371 KB) provision to avoid proliferation of Units and reduce development costs.
It is SQA's policy to encourage the development of generic rather than contextualised Units, ie we would validate a Unit called Presentation Skills but would not validate a Unit called Presentation Skills for Accountants. Instead, we would encourage contextualisation during teaching, learning and assessment, and through the production of expanded support notes or distinct assessment support packs. This approach will result in clearer standards. It will also help with identifying the 'ownership' of a Unit both within colleges (which department is responsible for the subject) and in SQA (which verification group the Unit belongs to).
There may be occasions when existing Units are still fit for purpose and do not need to be re-written. The minimum requirement is that the Unit is updated into the current Unit Specification and it is SCQF credit rated and levelled. Information about the SCQF framework and level descriptors is available on the SCQF website.
Any significant changes to the mandatory section of a Unit would be deemed as revision, so would need to follow the process for new and revised Units.
Related Information
- Guide to Scottish Qualifications (164 KB)
Contact Information
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