SVQ Driving Goods Vehicles: Van SCQF level 5

This qualification will lapse on 31/10/2024. Please visit Diploma in Driving Goods Vehicles at SCQF level 6 which will replace this SVQ.
The Scottish Vocational Qualification in Driving Goods Vehicles: Van at SCQF level 5 will support learners such as Modern Apprentices in their occupational development and allow experienced practitioners to demonstrate occupational competence.
The mandatory Units cover relevant areas such as preparing the vehicle for driving, protecting the vehicle, driving efficiently, and customer service.
The optional Units provide the scope to specialise in areas such as the loading and unloading of vans, food safety, and compliance within the logistics industry.
This qualification is available through employers and training providers.
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Why deliver this qualification
SVQs are based on National Occupational Standards. SQA works in partnership with other organisations to ensure that National Occupational Standards are relevant to the current and future needs of Scottish industries.
This SVQ 2 has recently been re-accredited after consultation with employers to ensure it remains relevant to the sector.
Learners will gain a qualification which guarantees that they have the skills, knowledge and abilities required to carry out their role successfully. Employers will also benefit from their employees being proficient.
The SVQ is offered in the workplace. Since assessment is carried out in the workplace this minimises any time learners would need to be away from their work.
The award can be used to offer a progression pathway to SVQ 3 Driving Goods Vehicles.
Who does this qualification suit
The SVQ is suitable for:
- trainees preparing for employment
- employees studying as part of a continuing professional development programme
- people in employment who wish to enhance their career prospects
Entry is at the discretion of the centre.
No prior qualifications are required to undertake this qualification; however, those taking this qualification must possess a driving licence.
Candidates should be in a job or placement where they are carrying out relevant tasks and responsibilities which allow them to gather the required evidence.
The award may provide progression to:
- SVQ 3 Driving Goods Vehicles
Centres interested in offering this qualification should come forward for approval and contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide . The specific requirements for this SVQ are set out in the Assessment Strategy (128 KB) for the qualification.
How to assess
For general information on how to assess this qualification, please refer to the document Information for Assessment of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs).
For detailed guidance on how to assess this particular SVQ, please refer to the Assessment Strategy (128 KB).
Where can you take this course?
Qualification content and delivery tools
Information about the qualification(s)
Qualification Structure
Group Award code: GP8X 22 (26-36 SCQF credit points)
The SVQ 2 Driving Goods Vehicles: Van at SCQF level 5 consists of seven mandatory Units and three optional Units.
For details of the Units making up the SVQ, please refer to the Qualification Structure.
This qualification will enter it’s Lapsing period on 31/07/2024 and will finish on 31/07/2026.
National Occupational Standards
Unit information for this qualification is available on our Unit Search.
Core Skills signposting
Core Skill mappings are carried out by the SSC responsible for the development of an SVQ. It is a requirement of SQA Accreditation that every SVQ submission includes information on where possible opportunities for candidates to develop Core Skills exist across the mandatory units.
Centres should note that mappings are not audited or validated against the Core Skills framework/units so are not accepted by SQA awarding body as evidence towards achievement of the Core Skills units.
Modern Apprenticeships
This SVQ is a mandatory component in the level 5 Freight Logistics Modern Apprenticeship.
SQA also offers the following components of this apprenticeship:
Unit Title | SCQF 4 |
Core Skills: Communication | F426 04 |
Core Skills: Numeracy | F42A 04 |
Core Skills: Information and Communication Technology | F42E 04 |
Core Skills: Problem Solving | F42J 04 |
Core Skills: Working with Others | F42N 04 |
Information about delivery, assessment, quality assurance and support material
Assessment strategy
- Assessment Strategy (83 KB)