Skills for Work: Health and Social Care Higher (SCQF level 6)

The Course introduces candidates to the nature of health and social care work. It includes investigating the types of health and social care establishments that are available and the roles of care workers in these settings. Candidates will also be investigating the principles of good care practice and exploring what constitutes day to day care work, for example identifying people's needs and strengths and learning how care workers try to meet those needs through care plans.
Health, safety and protection issues are important within health and social care settings. Therefore candidates will explore these issues and some practical approaches to dealing with them. Using the insights gained from psychology they will also explore how to support service-users in an informed way. This will include a study of how people develop, how to help raise self-esteem and how to help service-users manage their stress. This will help candidates to become flexible health and social care workers if they decide to pursue a career in this sector.
Central to the Course is developing the employability attitudes and skills necessary for effective work in health and social care settings. These are incorporated in the different Units giving candidates the opportunity to practise and develop them throughout the Course. Candidates will have the opportunity to develop their skills through work placements or simulation exercises, investigation and group work. They will be involved in evaluating their own skills, setting themselves personal goals and reviewing their progress during the Course. The emphasis throughout the Course will be on experiential learning and developing the knowledge and skills valued by the care sector.
The Units of the Course have been designed to be delivered in an integrated manner. Guidance on a suggested teaching pattern is given in the Course Specification.
Qualification structure
Group Award code C245 76 (24 SCQF credit points)
The Skills for Work Course in Health and Social care at SCQF level 6 consists of four mandatory Units.
For further information on the structure and units of this qualification please refer to the Course Specification document (322 KB).
How to assess
There is no external assessment for this Course. Learners must successfully complete each Unit to achieve the Course.
Unit specifications provide detailed information on the Evidence Requirements for each Unit. The Unit Support Notes provide information on approaches to assessment for each Unit.
The Units are internally assessed by centres and externally verified by SQA.
Qualification Verification Summary Report
2017 SfW Health and Social Care (160 KB)
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Why study this qualification
This qualification is suitable for a wide range of learners including:
- pupils from mainstream schools or other education establishments
- school leavers
- adult returners to education
- learners in employment who wish to enhance their career prospects
- learners participating in 16+ programmes
- college students wishing to develop their skills and knowledge in relation to the Health Sector
- trainees participating in preparation for entering employment
- individuals involved in voluntary activities
Entry is at the discretion of the centre.
Employment and progression
Successful learners may progress to:
- SVQs in Health and Social Care
- National Courses or Units
- Further/higher education
- vocational training
- employment
Qualification structure
Group Award code C245 76 (24 SCQF credit points)
The Skills for Work Course in Health and Social care at SCQF level 6 consists of four mandatory Units.
For further information on the structure and units of this qualification please refer to the Course Specification document (322 KB).
Where can you take this course?
Related Information
- Catalogue of National Qualifications (836 KB)
- NQ Annual Update (406 KB)
- Authenticating learners work good practice advice (123 KB)
Contact Information
- Candidate Enquiries
- General Enquiries
- 0345 279 1000
- Centre Enquiries
- 0303 333 0330