Freestanding Art and Design units

The following freestanding units were previously part of a course.

Please note these units no longer contribute to the achievement of a National Course. 

SCQF level 5

          July 2019

          July 2019

SCQF level 6

          July 2019

          July 2019

SCQF level 7

           July 2019

Understanding Standards

The following presentations were delivered at CPD events for National 3, National 4, National 5 and Higher Art and Design Courses. They can be used by Nominees to help pass on information to colleagues in their school, college or local authority. Equally, anyone delivering the new National Courses may find the contents helpful in understanding the required standards.


In 2019, a single qualification verification summary report replaced the verification key messages.

Unit assessment support packages (UASPs) for freestanding units

UASPs are available on SQA's secure website. Please contact your SQA co-ordinator to access them. Multiple packs are available at each level, and each pack contains:

  • unit assessment tasks
  • approaches to gathering evidence
  • judging evidence against outcomes and assessment standards.

Alongside further information on the particular unit(s).