SQA Advanced Qualification support

We have changed the name of our SQA Higher National Qualifications (HNs) outside of Scotland.

SQA Advanced Diploma is the equivalent name for the Higher National Diploma (HND), and SQA Advanced Certificate is equivalent name for the Higher National Certificate (HNC).

SQA centres delivering outside of Scotland:

References to HNs during transition phase

Centres can refer to HNs in operational materials - such as teaching materials and graduation photos - until 31 December 2021. This is solely to support the delivery of HN courses started before 31 December 2018.

Centres must no longer refer to HNs in any other communications, such as website copy, URLs, printed materials, banner stands, social media and video content.

Doing this could be seen as marketing or promoting HNs outside of Scotland, which is not permitted.


SQA Advanced Qualification codes differ from HN codes. Centres should check the relevant qualification page to ensure they use the correct codes when registering or resulting candidates. Using the wrong codes could lead to candidates receiving incorrect certificates.

  HN SQA Advanced Qualification
Group Award codes End in 15 or 16 End in 47 or 48
Unit codes End in 33, 34, 35, 36 End in 46, 47, 48, 49

Support for Centres

Common questions around the move - including list of frameworks and relevant codes (206 KB)


Please contact your SQA Regional Manager.