NPA Administration: Information Technology & Audio SCQF level 5

The National Progression Award (NPA) in Administration: Information Technology and Audio at SCQF level 5 is a flexible, IT orientated programme covering a range of IT skills. It gives candidates the certificated skills in word processing, audio, spreadsheets and databases required for current and future employment or for progression to further academic qualifications.
The qualification provides the basic IT and audio skills that will enable candidates to assess where they stand in terms of a career in administration and it matches their interests, expectations and capabilities with practical and engaging Units.
This qualification is available in colleges.
Qualification structure
Group Award code:G9CE 45 (18 SCQF credit points)
NPA in Administration: Information Technology and Audio at SCQF level 5 (172 KB)
To achieve this NPA, candidates must complete three mandatory Units.
Mandatory Units
Information Technology for Administrators (DM3R 11)
Word Processing (F59L 11)
Audio: An Introduction (F5AD 10)
Any other information
The following Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) and National Assessment Bank materials (NABs) are available to download from SQA's secure website:
- Word Processing — ASP
- Audio: An Introduction — ASP
- Information Technology for Administrators — NAB
How to assess
Assessment for this NPA is a series of practical assessments or tasks
The assessment for the Word Processing Unit will be carried out under supervised, open-book conditions where candidates should have access to notes and online help.
The Audio Unit will be assessed by two 45-minute practical assessments. Candidates will have access to reference material.
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Why study this qualification
The NPA in Administration: Information Technology and Audio could appeal to a wide variety of potential candidates and opens up the possibility of continued study. It is intended for candidates who want to develop their IT and audio skills and are currently working in, or wish to work in, the business and commercial sectors. This includes:
- school leavers
- adult returners
- employees wishing to enhance their qualifications
- potential candidates looking for access to Higher National qualifications
- employers wanting short CPD courses for their employees
- full-time candidates looking for 'added-value' courses
- candidates whose first language is not English
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. Candidates would benefit from previous experience in Information Technology and Word Processing at SCQF level 4 or related work-based experience.
Employment and progression
The NPA prepares candidates for entry to further qualifications, such as the NC in Administration. Candidates who have successfully completed both this NPA and the NPA in Administration: Office Skills and Services could then progress on to Higher National qualifications in Administration and Information Technology, or a PDA in Office Administration and/or Information Technology in Business.
Candidates could also progress to SCQF level 6 Units in Word Processing, Information Technology for Managers, or a level 5 Unit in Audio.
This NPA could open up opportunities in the business and commercial sectors, perhaps as an administrative assistant, junior word processing operator or audio typist.
Qualification structure
Group Award code:G9CE 45 (18 SCQF credit points)
NPA in Administration: Information Technology and Audio at SCQF level 5 (172 KB)
To achieve this NPA, candidates must complete three mandatory Units.
Mandatory Units
Information Technology for Administrators (DM3R 11)
Word Processing (F59L 11)
Audio: An Introduction (F5AD 10)
Any other information
The following Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) and National Assessment Bank materials (NABs) are available to download from SQA's secure website:
- Word Processing — ASP
- Audio: An Introduction — ASP
- Information Technology for Administrators — NAB