NPA Enterprise and Business SCQF level 6

The National Progression Award (NPA) in Enterprise and Business at SCQF level 6 is relevant to anyone considering starting a business, or with an interest in doing so.
The focus of the qualification is on pre-enterprise activity, with the aim of developing the knowledge and skills required to start a business. Self employment is regarded as the most relevant opportunity for candidates completing this qualification. This progression route may not suit every candidate, however, the enterprising knowledge and skills gained from the qualification are equally relevant to any workplace, equipping candidates for employment in a wide range of areas, or for further study.
Qualification structure
Group Award code: GA84 46 (30 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
NPA in Enterprise and Business at SCQF level 6 (118 KB)
Framework - NPA Enterprise and Business at SCQF Level 6 (20 KB)
The NPA consists of five mandatory Units. Each Unit can be certificated separately.
Business Formation: An Introduction (FJ3F 12)
This Unit focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to move a business idea to the start up stage. Candidates learn about different types of business models, finance and sources of help required to be successful in starting a business.
Business Skills and Behaviours (FJ3J 12)
This Unit enables candidates to enhance the skills and behaviours necessary for success in business. The skills in this Unit are transferable and would therefore benefit anyone operating in a business environment.
Business Formation: Commercial Aspects and the Law (FJ3K 12)
This Unit introduces candidates to the relevant legal considerations when starting a business. Candidates learn about contractual agreements, regulations that need to be complied with and sources of legal assistance for business start up.
Finance and E-Business (FJ3H 12)
This Unit introduces candidates to sources of funding and financial advice for a new business, and the importance of the accurate management of finance within a business. Candidates will learn about a range of financial options available to new businesses including use of secure payments through the internet.
Business Formation: Developing a Business Idea (FJ3G 12)
In this Unit, candidates research a proposed business idea and begin the planning process for a new business. Candidates will learn the importance of effective marketing strategies, a positive business identity, and customer care.
Delivery methods are flexible and allow for teachers and lecturers to be creative in their approach. Methods may include investigations, role plays, debates, presentations, case studies, discussions and simulation exercises. These activities can provide a stimulating and interesting learning experience, helping candidates to contextualise their learning.
How to assess
Assessment is carried out internally throughout the Course. Assessment methods include candidate folio and practical activities supported by assessor observation. There is no external assessment.
Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) will be available on SQA's secure website.
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Why study this qualification
This NPA may appeal to a wide range of candidates, including:
- S5 and S6 pupils
- school-leavers
- young adults
- tradespeople interested in self-employment
- anyone looking to change career
- those facing redundancy or unemployment
- anyone interested in starting a business
Access is at the discretion of the centre.
Employment and progression
Candidates who achieve the NPA:
- acquire knowledge and skills required to support business start-up
- improve work related skills and qualities
- may progress to SCQF level 6 and above vocational qualifications
- may progress to Business related qualifications at SCQF level 7
Qualification structure
Group Award code: GA84 46 (30 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
NPA in Enterprise and Business at SCQF level 6 (118 KB)
Framework - NPA Enterprise and Business at SCQF Level 6 (20 KB)
The NPA consists of five mandatory Units. Each Unit can be certificated separately.
Business Formation: An Introduction (FJ3F 12)
This Unit focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to move a business idea to the start up stage. Candidates learn about different types of business models, finance and sources of help required to be successful in starting a business.
Business Skills and Behaviours (FJ3J 12)
This Unit enables candidates to enhance the skills and behaviours necessary for success in business. The skills in this Unit are transferable and would therefore benefit anyone operating in a business environment.
Business Formation: Commercial Aspects and the Law (FJ3K 12)
This Unit introduces candidates to the relevant legal considerations when starting a business. Candidates learn about contractual agreements, regulations that need to be complied with and sources of legal assistance for business start up.
Finance and E-Business (FJ3H 12)
This Unit introduces candidates to sources of funding and financial advice for a new business, and the importance of the accurate management of finance within a business. Candidates will learn about a range of financial options available to new businesses including use of secure payments through the internet.
Business Formation: Developing a Business Idea (FJ3G 12)
In this Unit, candidates research a proposed business idea and begin the planning process for a new business. Candidates will learn the importance of effective marketing strategies, a positive business identity, and customer care.
Delivery methods are flexible and allow for teachers and lecturers to be creative in their approach. Methods may include investigations, role plays, debates, presentations, case studies, discussions and simulation exercises. These activities can provide a stimulating and interesting learning experience, helping candidates to contextualise their learning.