Modern Languages for Life and Work Award SCQF level 5
The Modern Languages for Life and Work Award at SCQF level 5 will develop knowledge and skills in areas such as society, culture and employability. Learners can specialise in one or two modern languages.
This qualification covers areas such as communication, self-awareness, confidence, leadership and independent learning.
This qualification is available through schools, colleges, community organisations and volunteer-involving organisations.
Use the tabs below to open each section individually. Alternatively you can show all the sections.
Why deliver this qualification
This Award has a wide potential market. It is open to all learners, regardless of age, academic experience or ability.
Centres have the flexibility to choose the delivery method which best suits their circumstances and their learners.
The Award can be used to offer a progression pathway to other qualifications (see Progression).
Who does this qualification suit
The Modern Languages for Life and Work Award at SCQF level 5 is suitable for:
- S3-S6 pupils
- school leavers
- college students
- adult returners to education
- trainees preparing for employment
- employees studying as part of a continuing professional development programme
- people in employment who wish to enhance their career prospects
Entry to this Award is at the discretion of the centre. It can be accessed by learners from S3 to S6 or, indeed, learners in full-time education or other vocational centres.
Prior learning in the subject is not essential although the Award provides opportunities for learners to build on prior learning experienced in a broad general education or in a modern languages qualification at a lower SCQF level.
The Award may provide progression to:
- Modern Languages for Life and Work Award at SCQF level 5 in one or two other modern languages
- Modern Languages for Life and Work Award at SCQF level 6 in the same modern language(s)
- Modern Languages Courses at SCQF level 5
- Modern Languages for Work Purposes units in the same modern language at SCQF level 6
- Modern Languages for Work Purposes units in another modern language at SCQF level 5
- Modern Languages for Life units in the same modern language at SCQF level 6
- Modern Languages for Life units in another language at SCQF level 5
- National Certificates
Schools will be auto approved to deliver.
Centres with devolved authority for approval should use their own internal approval process.
Centres without devolved authority require to come forward for approval and should contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide.
How to assess
Each individual unit specification gives detailed information on the evidence requirements and approaches to assessment for each unit.
Awards are not graded.
Evidence can be presented in any form appropriate to the contexts chosen for assessment and for the learner. This evidence may be paper-based (responses to questions in English or the target language, extended pieces of writing, folios) or recorded (oral, visual or electronic). Performance evidence must be supported by assessor observation checklists and/or oral questions and assessor records of learners' responses. Learners may also provide evidence through audio recordings, video diaries, blogs or other electronic means. The specific evidence requirements for all contributing units can be found in each unit specification.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification Structure
Group Award code: GR4W 45 (15 SCQF credit points)
Group award specification (360 KB)
The Award in Modern Languages for Life and Work at SCQF level 5 consists of three mandatory units (15 SCQF credit points).
At SCQF level 5, learners must complete the following three mandatory units:
Unit title | SQA credit | SCQF credit points | SCQF level |
Modern Languages for Life | 1 | 6 | 5 |
Modern Languages for Work Purposes | 1 | 6 | 5 |
Leadership: an introduction | 0.5 | 3 | 5 |
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
Webinar Event 25 February 2021
Webinar presentation (0.98 MB)
Launch Event presentations 25 November 2021
Introduction (0.97 MB)
Overview (1.00 MB)
Leadership (1.69 MB)
Related Information
- Awards from SQA (336 KB)
- Catalogue of National Qualifications (836 KB)
- Changes to Unit Specifications and Frameworks
- NQ Annual Update (406 KB)
Contact Information
- Candidate Enquiries
- 0345 279 1000
- Centre Enquiries
- 0303 333 0330