Continuing Professional Development — guidance for External Verifiers

External Verifiers (EVs) and Senior External Verifiers (SEVs) are required to submit a Personal Development Plan (PDP) and Continuing Professional Development Record (CPDR) annually.

Submission applies to EVs and SEVs with a VQ, HN or Customised/Workplace Award remit. Skills for Work and National Unit remits are not required to submit a PDP or CPDR.

Submitting a PDP and CPDR is one of six key performance measures (KPMs) EVs and SEVs are measured against annually, as detailed in the External Verifier role description. Successful completion of KPMs will support future EV and SEV contracts.

Completed submissions should be sent to the SEV of the verification group, who will submit to SQA no later than 30 June every year.

The information below provides advice and support regarding the recording of Continuing Professional Development activity for External Verifiers.

Recording and submitting your PDP and CPDR

We provide blank template submission forms for you to record your evidence.

Learning and Development verification groups only:

Learning and Development PDP and CPD record blank template

All other verification groups:

PDP and CPD record blank template

You may already document CPD evidence in your occupational role which can be submitted to us, however, the templates highlight all the information we require to validate your skills and currency as an EV / SEV for each verification group you are appointed to.

EVs should submit their PDP and CPDR to their SEV for review no later than 30 June each year. Your SEV may request sight of your PDP and CPDR before this date to provide support and / or feedback to you.

SEVs should forward final submissions to the Appointee Management Training team no later than 30 June in any given year.

What should I include in my submission?

There are a minimum of two entries that should be included for each verification group you are appointed to in both the Personal Development Plan and the CPD record.

Personal Development Plan Continuing Professional Development Record
One entry advising how you plan to keep your occupational expertise/subject knowledge up to date One entry advising how you kept your occupational expertise/subject knowledge up to date
One entry advising how you plan to standardise as an SEV / EV One entry advising how you standardised as an SEV / EV

Submissions can cover multiple verification groups, however the minimum two PDP and CPDR entries are required for each verification group covered in the submission.

Similar verification groups can be covered in the same entry, if relevant. For example, you may attend a standardisation meeting that covered two or more verification groups. You should make sure that your entry includes specific details for all verification groups covered.

Additional CPD requirements

There are additional CPD requirements that you must complete if you are a member of any of the following verification groups:

Beauty Care and Hairdressing

HABIA (part of the Skills Active Group) is the Sector Skills Body (SSB) and industry authority for hair, barbering, beauty, aesthetics, nails, and spa therapy.

SEVs and EVs in these groups must evidence a minimum of 30 hours CPD activity per annum to meet their assessment strategy requirements.

Learning and Development

SEVs and EVs in these groups must show current evidence of Continuing Professional Development in the relevant area of practice by demonstrating they continue to meet Standard 10 in the National Occupational Standards for Learning and Development.

L&D10 - "Reflect on, develop and maintain own skills and practice in learning and development".

We have provided a blank template form above to reflect this requirement.

SVQ Learning and Development Assessment Strategy

Further information for Learning and Development Assessors and Verifiers.

Frequently asked questions

Why do I have to submit a PDP and CPD record on an annual basis?

Senior External Verifiers (SEVs) and External Verifiers (EVs) are required to demonstrate how they have standardised and kept their occupational / subject expertise up to date. Continued appointments as an SEV or EV are dependent on us receiving a successful Continuing Professional Development (CPD) submission each year.

If you have a Vocational Qualification (VQ) or Ofqual remit, you are required to submit evidence of CPD annually, in line with the relevant Sector Skills Assessment Strategy.

SQA needs to meet the auditable CPD requirements of regulatory bodies. In the main there are two regulatory bodies for SQA: SQA Accreditation, and The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).

How do I set development objectives for my PDP?

The Personal Development Plan (PDP) is your opportunity to focus on your development needs and agree actions for the forthcoming year. A well-formed plan can help improve overall performance in your current role, help achieve your objectives, and prepare you for your next career move.

Think about how you might want to develop. This may not always be a training course, but could be working with others, being coached to do tasks more effectively, or completing a work project using newly acquired knowledge and / or skills.

We require you to provide a minimum of two entries in the PDP section, for each verification group covered in the submission. More entries can be added as needed.

One of these entries should show evidence of how you plan to standardise for each verification group. Entries can cover more than one verification group, if relevant. Examples could include:

  • Attending a verification group meeting where standardisation is part of the agenda
  • Standardising with fellow professionals (External Verifiers, Internal Verifiers, Assessors, experts) in your field of expertise
  • Vetting mandatory questions for new standards in your occupational area of expertise, ensuring an understanding of assessment requirements

The second entry should show how you plan to keep your subject / occupational expertise up to date for each verification group covered in the submission. Entries can cover more than one verification group, if relevant. Examples could include:

  • Complete on the job training
  • Work on or complete a project
  • Gain a qualification
  • Complete a training course
  • Informal learning such as reading subject related articles
  • Attend an event

What activity should be recorded on my CPD record?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is about how you use a variety of learning experiences to develop yourself professionally and personally.

Where possible, you should link your CPD activity to specific objectives in your PDP by considering:

  • How you have standardised for each verification group that you are a member of
  • The main areas or topics that you wished to develop
  • The learning that you have done both in and outside the workplace that relates to your Senior External Verifier / External Verifier role

We require you to demonstrate that you have updated and enhanced your subject or occupational competence, by providing a minimum of two entries in the CPD activity section, for each verification group covered in the submission. More entries can be added as needed.

One of these entries should show evidence of how you standardised for each verification group. Entries can cover more than one verification group, if relevant. Examples could include:

  • Describe how you reviewed a unit or suite of awards that you externally verify, ensuring that all members of the verification group come to same conclusion and can impart the same advice
  • Explain how you contributed to a Verification Group meeting, noting any action points, such as relaying key messages to centres offering awards in your area of expertise
  • Details of meetings with your Qualifications Manager and / or Qualifications Officer where you have discussed your subject in detail and agreed a route forward
  • Evidence of liaising with SQA Quality Assurance Logistics Officers to seek advice, guidance, or debate about SQA policy and how to implement it

The second entry should show how you kept your subject / occupational expertise up to date for each verification group. Entries can cover more than one verification group, if relevant. Examples could include:

  • Records of how you kept abreast of developments in the subject area
  • Self-evaluations of own practice in the subject area
  • Evidence of how you have shared new knowledge and skills with colleagues
  • Details of subject related qualifications or skills courses you have begun or completed, and how they relate to your role as an External Verifier

I haven’t completed any EV activity this session. Do I need to submit a PDP and CPD record?

SEVs and EVs are required to demonstrate how they have standardised and kept their occupational / subject expertise up to date, even if there has been little or no activity in the verification group they are appointed to.

Every SEV and EV should engage in a professional discussion with peers from each verification group or with SQA staff, to reflect on practice and use these reflections to improve performance. These discussions can be used as standardisation evidence on CPD submissions, along with details of any activities completed that relate to your EV role.

You can give more information for activities that are not complete in the blank template form, under the column heading "Is there any further action?".

How do I submit my CPD record and what are the timescales?

CPD submissions are completed annually and should cover the academic session period of 1 August to 30 June.

External Verifiers

Please complete your PDP and CPD record and forward it to your SEV for comment by 30 June in any given year. Your SEV may request sight of your form before this date to provide support and / or feedback to you.

Your SEV will forward your final submission to us by 30 June.

If you have any queries regarding your PDP and CPD record, don’t hesitate to contact your SEV or get in touch with us via our contact form.

Senior External Verifiers

Please complete your PDP and CPD record and submit to us no later than 30 June in any given year.

If you need support or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your Depute Lead Verifier or get in touch with us via our contact form.

I am appointed to multiple verification groups. Do I need separate submissions?

You can use one form for all verification groups or submit separate forms if preferred.

Our template forms include areas for you to confirm which verification groups are covered in the submission, and the entries in both the PDP and CPD activity sections should clearly show the minimum required entries for each verification group.

Similar verification groups can be covered in the same entry, if relevant. For example:

  • You may attend a standardisation meeting that covers content for two or more verification groups. Please ensure your entries are specific to each verification group covered
  • You may have completed training that can be applied to your role in multiple verification groups
  • A work project you have completed may demonstrate a variety of subject knowledge or new skills

I have more than one Senior External Verifier. Who should my submission go to?

Senior External Verifiers for each verification group need to see your completed PDP and CPD record. Senior External Verifiers will support teams to fulfil the Key Performance Measures (KPMs) of the External Verifier role:

KPM 6: "Submit a current Personal Development Plan (PDP) and CPD record within agreed timescales where appropriate."

Our template forms provide an area on the final page for SEVs to electronically ‘sign off’ the submission. Multiple SEVs can add their details to this section as required before submitting to us to be logged.