Organisational structure

SQA's activities are directed by an Executive Management Team (EMT) consisting of the Chief Executive and the directors responsible for the major functions of the organisation. These functions include awarding our own qualifications, and accrediting and regulating the activity of other awarding bodies. This function is overseen by our Accreditation Committee, a statutory committee established by the Education (Scotland) Act 1996.

SQA's policy, and in particular our Corporate Plan, is developed by the EMT, with strategic direction provided by the non-executive members of the Board of Management, and in consultation with the Scottish Government. The EMT oversees the implementation of the plan, and provides regular progress reports for review by the Board. The role of our Advisory Council, whose members are appointed by Scottish Government, is to represent our various stakeholders and consider and advise SQA on their needs and views in relation to our qualifications and awards.

The organisation's functions are split across nine directorates:

Organisational chart

>organisational chart (153 KB).