FOI23/24 040 Written Off IT Assets 2022-2023

Date published: 18/08/2023

FOI reference: 23/24 040

Date received: 20/07/2023

Date responded: 14/08/2023

Information requested

I am requesting the following information under freedom of information legislation.

 Request: Written off assets  

For the years 2022-2023 what was the financial loss on written off inventory and IT equipment. 
For the years 2022-2023 what was the cost of replacing/fixing broken or out of date IT equipment 
How much was spent in severance pay in the years 2022-2023.


For the years 2022-2023 what was the financial loss on written off inventory and IT equipment.

There was no financial loss on written off inventory and IT equipment.

For the years 2022-2023 what was the cost of replacing/fixing broken or out of date IT equipment.

The cost of replacing/fixing broken or out of date IT equipment was £617k.

How much was spent in severance pay in the years 2022-2023.

The was nothing spent on severance pay in 2022-2023.