SQA as a Corporate Parent

Our Corporate Parenting Plan 2023-26
Welcome to our Corporate Parenting Plan 2023-26 (591 KB). Our Plan has been informed through our work with SQA’s Corporate Parenting Steering Group and Who Cares? Scotland to ensure we understand and respond to the needs of people with experience of care. We have taken into consideration up to date research, evidence, and the recommendations from The Promise: Scotland’s Independent Care Review.
Public consultation of our draft Corporate Parenting Plan 2023–26 took place for six weeks in 2023 to encourage feedback from Care Experienced people and stakeholders on our proposed outcomes and commitments. Responses were received from 27 internal SQA staff and 7 external stakeholders. Responses to our consultation have been considered and reflected in our Plan. We are grateful to everyone who responded to our consultation. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.
Celebrating care experienced learners
Each year we mark the achievements of care experienced learners. Read more about our virtual results day celebration for care experienced learners.
On Results Day 2024 we were delighted to share a collaborative congratulatory video with messages from the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Who Cares? Scotland and MCR Pathways and SQA staff.
In care, a lot of the time, no-one really cares when you’ve done well in your exams or had a success. So I think it’s really important for SQA as a Corporate Parent to do things like this, because the young people know that they are worth something…it’s the small things that matter
Replacement certificate
We offer a free replacement certificate for any care experienced learner.
This service applies to any learner who has been or is currently in care or from a looked after background, at any stage of their life. This care may have been provided in different settings, such as in residential care, foster care, kinship care or looked after at home.
To request a replacement certificate, please download and complete SQA’s Care Experienced Replacement Certificate (140 KB) form. For further information, see the Guidance on requesting a replacement certificate for a care experienced learner (131 KB).
Please note: the replacement certificate order must be certified by a person who can confirm your care status.
Return of your coursework
We offer the return of your coursework without charge.