FOI20/21 201 Contract Details

Date published: 30/03/2021

FOI reference: 20/21 201

Date received: 09/03/2021

Date responded: 30/03/2021

Information requested

1. Contact Centre/Call Centre Contracts (Contracts and Costs associating to all/any systems used to manage Inbound Contact to SQA from Citizens. (i.e Call/Telephony Management Systems, Email Management Services/software, Help Desk Agents and Hotlines etc.)


2. Inbound Network Services Contracts (by "Inbound Network Services", I am referring to Inbound Call, Telephony and Email Management Services, and any other inbound channels used by citizens to make contact with SQA.)


3. Website Traffic Spend/Analysis (even if hosted by an Agency)

a) Number of Visits per month (Average)

b) Who is the supplier/agency/internal stakeholder responsible for hosting/maintaining and managing the website(s)?

c) Does your organisation's website(s) have an on-site search bar?

- What Content Management System is your site-search connected to (if so)?

- What is the Search Bar Utilisation? (If known, % of Website visitors)

- Who is the Supplier/Owner of the on-site search on your website?


Please send me the following information for each:

1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) can you please provide me with the supplier of the Contract?

2. Annual Average Spend: the annual average (over 3 years) spend for each supplier?

3. Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for these contract areas (including website)?


Questions 1 and 2 -  Telephony Supplier - ATOS

Spend -

1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019 - £252k,

1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020 - £131k,

1st April 2020 - 23rd March 2021 - £199k


Question 3 -  Content Management System Supplier - Civic Computing,

Spend -

1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019 - £201k,

1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020 - £182k,

1st April 2020 - 23rd March 2021 - £201k 

All contracts are handled by the Procurement Team.  Their contact details are provide on our website and can be accessed here.


Question 3 (a) Number of Visits per month (Average)

This can be shown in multiple ways:

Page views: 1,905,221

Users: 293,684

Sessions: 621,797


Question 3 (c) Does your organisation's website(s) have an on-site search bar?   What is the Search Bar Utilisation? (If known, % of Website visitors)

Yes SQA has an on-site search bar and 47.5% of sessions on average used site search, this was 10,632,329 or 295,342 a month.