SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 5, 6, 8

Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) recognise competence in job-related skills and are based on National Occupational Standards.
SVQs in Business and Administration are designed to equip those working in business and administration with the skills and knowledge they need to demonstrate competence in their job role.
Level 5 involves a greater range of activities with some degree of complexity and limited autonomy. Mandatory units cover undertaking allocated work, and communicating and managing one’s own performance in a business environment. There is a wide range of optional units including: document production, supporting events, meetings and diaries, customer service, IT and various specialist administrative functions.
At SCQF level 6, candidates have a broad range of activities with significant complexity, responsibility and autonomy, often in a supervisory or team-leading role. Mandatory units cover managing workload, communicating and planning, and improving one’s own performance in a business environment. There is again a wide range of optional units including: work responsibilities, document production and design, managing events, customer service, managing business resources, and managing information and data.
SCQF level 8 candidates will normally be managers with responsibility for staff and/or financial or other resources. Mandatory units involve managing and being accountable for own performance, and managing work and communication in a business environment. Optional units include business support services, project management, managing business resources, innovation and change, managing Information and data, customer service and communication.
This qualification is available through employers and training providers.
Use the tabs below to open each section individually. Alternatively you can show all the sections.
Why deliver this qualification
Learners will gain an internationally-recognised qualification that guarantees that they have the skills, knowledge and abilities required to carry out their role successfully. Employers will also benefit from their employees being proficient.
Assessment is carried out in the workplace. This minimises any time learners need to be away from their work.
Learners can progress to a range of qualifications including HNC Business or Administration.
The SVQ can be offered in any of the following modes:
- full-time
- part-time (for example, day-release)
- open and distance learning
Having experience in and/or knowledge of the subject would be an advantage towards the achievement of this award.
Who does this qualification suit
This SVQ is suitable for:
- individuals looking to complete an apprenticeship in a vocational subject and currently in employment
- individuals who are currently in employment and who wish to obtain a formal qualification
- employees who wish to obtain continuing professional development
Entry is at the discretion of the centre.
Candidates should be in a job or placement where they are carrying out relevant tasks and responsibilities which allow then to gather the required evidence.
No prior qualifications or knowledge are required to undertake this qualification.
The level 5 award could provide progression to:
- an HNC/HND in Business, Administration or a related area
- a PDA in Business or Administration
- an SVQ in Business and Administration at SCQF level 6
The level 6 award could provide progression to:
- an HNC/HND in Business, Administration or a related area
- a PDA in Business or Administration
- an SVQ in Business and Administration at SCQF level 8
The level 8 award could provide progression to:
- an HNC/HND in Business, Administration or a related area
- a PDA in Business or Administration
- an SVQ in Management at SCQF level 8
Centres interested in offering this qualification must come forward for approval and should contact SQA’s Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA’s general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide. The specific delivery requirements are set out in the assessment strategy.
How to assess
For general information, please refer to the document Information for Assessment of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs). For detailed guidance on how to assess this particular SVQ, please refer to the assessment strategy.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification content and delivery tools
Information about the qualification(s)
Qualification Structure
SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 5 GT9J 22
The SVQ in Business and Administration at SCQF level 5 consists of three mandatory units and 5 optional units.
SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 6 GT9H 23
The SVQ in Business and Administration at SCQF level 6 consists of three mandatory units and 5 optional units.
SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 8 GM31 24
Unit information for this qualification is available through our Accredited Qualification Unit Search.
National Occupational Standards
SQA works in partnership with other organisations to ensure that National Occupational Standards are relevant to the current and future needs of Scottish industries.
Unit information for this qualification is available on our Unit Search.
Core Skills signposting
Core Skill mappings are carried out by the SSC responsible for the development of an SVQ. It is a requirement of SQA Accreditation that every SVQ submission includes information on where possible opportunities for candidates to develop Core Skills exist across the mandatory units.
Centres should note that mappings are not audited or validated against the Core Skills framework/units so are not accepted by SQA awarding body as evidence towards achievement of the Core Skills units.
Core Skills mappings are carried out by the SSC responsible for the development of an SVQ. It is a requirement of SQA Accreditation that every SVQ submission includes information on where possible opportunities for candidates to develop Core Skills exist across the mandatory units.
Centres should note that mappings are not audited or validated against the Core Skills framework/units so are not accepted by SQA awarding body as evidence towards achievement of the Core Skills units.
Modern Apprenticeships
This SVQ is a mandatory component in the level 5 Modern Apprenticeship.
SQA also offers the following components of this apprenticeship:
- F425 04 SCQF 3
- F426 04 SCQF 4
- F427 04 SCQF 5
- F428 04 SCQF 6
- F429 04 SCQF 3
- F42A 04 SCQF 4
- F42B 04 SCQF 5
- F42C 04 SCQF 6
Information and Communication Technology
- F42D 04 SCQF 3
- F42E 04 SCQF 4
- F42F 04 SCQF 5
- F42G 04 SCQF 6
Problem Solving
- F42H 04 SCQF 3
- F42J 04 SCQF 4
- F42K 04 SCQF 5
- F42L 04 SCQF 6
Working with Others
- F42M 04 SCQF 3
- F42N 04 SCQF 4
- F42P 04 SCQF 5
- F42R 04 SCQF 6
Information about delivery, assessment, quality assurance and support material
Assessment strategy
- Assessment Strategy (206 KB) (57 KB)
Assessor's guidelines
Candidate Guidance and Portfolio
- Information for candidates starting an SVQ (382 KB)
- Candidate Portfolio A4 Cover (118 KB)
- Candidate printable blank recording forms (245 KB)
- Candidate blank recording forms (Template for Word) (134 KB)
- Z0397 Candidate Guidance and Portfolio SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 5 2022 (2.35 MB)
- Z0397 Candidate Guidance and Portfolio SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 5 2022 (1.20 MB)
- Z0398 Candidate Guidance and Portfolio SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 6 2022 (2.73 MB)
- Z0398 Candidate Guidance and Portfolio SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 6 2022 (1.36 MB)
- Z0395 Candidate Guidance SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 8 (485 KB)
- Z0394 Candidate Portfolio SVQ Business and Administration SCQF Level 8 (2.04 MB)
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
Understanding Standards & Frequently Asked Questions
Understanding Standards
Understanding Standards: Best Practice in Assessment of SVQs in Business and Administration
This material is intended to help assessors make valid, reliable and consistent assessment decisions when assessing SVQs in Business and Administration. It contains examples of evidence and assessment decisions supplemented by notes from External Verifiers explaining why they represent good, fair or poor practice. It also provides guidance on referencing evidence.
- Business and Administration FAQs (129 KB)
Network Events
- Network Presentation BA TH October 2023 (0.97 MB)
- Notes from SQA Connections Network Event October 2023 (28 KB)
- SQA Connections Presentation 22 (1.24 MB)
- Network Presentation BA TH 7 Nov 22 (1.17 MB)
- Network Presentation BA TH 8 Oct 21 (1.16 MB)
- SQA Powerpoint SEV 2020 (1.73 MB)
- SVQ Business Admin NOS Nov 20 (474 KB)
- SQA Update 2019 (1.85 MB)
- SEV Update 2019 (1.75 MB)
- SQA Update (2.90 MB)
- Senior QV Update (1.74 MB)
- PSR Example: Word Doc Mileage Sheet - Original (19 KB)
- PSR Example: Word Doc Mileage Sheet - Updates by candidate (79 KB)
- PSR Example: Candidate Storyboard (48 KB)
- Using Problem Steps Recorder (PSR) tutorial (2.94 MB)
- QV Criteria Task Instruction (15 KB)
- QV Criteria Task Guidance (1.15 MB)
- SQA Update 2017 (1.96 MB)
- SEV Update 2017 (1.74 MB)
- QQA Criteria (136 KB)
- QQA Task 1 (13 KB)
- QQA Task 2 (13 KB)
- QQA Task Suggested Examples (15 KB)
- SQA Officer - Update and Validity in Assessment (769 KB)
- SQA Senior External Verifier Update (628 KB)
- Discussion Forum (840 KB)
Guidance on delivery of Business Skills Foundation Apprenticeship
Information about the qualification(s)
Qualification Structure
SVQ Business and Administration at SCQF Level 5 GK6X 22
SVQ Business and Administration at SCQF Level 6 GK6Y 23
This group award has been replaced.
It entered its lapsing period on: 28/02/2023
All entries for the old structures must be registered by 28/02/2023. Level 5 must be completed by 28/02/2025 and Level 6 must be completed by 28/02/2027.
National Occupational Standards
Unit information for this qualification is available on our Unit Search.
Information about delivery, assessment, quality assurance and support material
Assessment strategy
Assessment Guidance for all levels of SVQs in Business and Administration levels 1,2,3 and 4 is now available on SQA's secure website.
All centres approved to deliver SVQs in Business and Administration have access to this page through their SQA Co-ordinator. If you experience any difficulties accessing this page, please contact the Business Development and Customer Support Team - or 0303 333 0330.
Assessor's guidelines
Candidate Guidance and Portfolio
- Information for candidates starting an SVQ (382 KB)
- Candidate Portfolio A4 Cover (118 KB)
- Candidate printable blank recording forms (245 KB)
- Candidate blank recording forms (Template for Word) (134 KB)
SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 4 GK6W 21
- Z0379 Candidate Guidance SVQ1 Business and Administration 2015 (492 KB)
- Z0378 Candidate Portfolio SVQ1 Business and Administration 2015 (876 KB)
SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 5 GK6X 22
- Z0381 Candidate Guidance SVQ2 Business and Administration 2015 (535 KB)
- Z0380 Candidate Portfolio SVQ2 Business and Administration 2015 (3.01 MB)
SVQ Business and Administration SCQF level 6 GK6Y 23
Frequently Asked Questions
- Business and Administration FAQs (129 KB)
- S301 (FD9Y 04) Plan How to Manage and Improve Own Performance in a Business Environment (32 KB)
- S302 (FE01 04) Review and maintain work in a business environment
- S308 (FE02 04) Communicate in a business environment
- S303 (FE03 04) Solve Business Problems
- S304 (FE04 04) Support other people to work in a business environment
- S305 (FE05 04) Contribute to decision-making in a business environment
- S306 (FE06 04) Contribute to negotiations in a business environment
- S307 (FE07 04) Supervise a team in a business environment
- S309 (FE0D 04) Develop a presentation
- S310 (FE0E 04) Deliver a presentation
- S311 (FE0X 04) Design and produce documents in a business environment
- S312 (FE11 04) Prepare text from notes using touch typing (60 wpm)
- S313 (FE0Y 04) Prepare text from shorthand (80 wpm)
- S314 (FE10 04) Prepare text from recorded audio instruction (60 wpm)
- S315 (FE0F 04) Support the design and development of information systems
- S316 (FE0G 04) Monitor information systems
- S317 (FE0H 04) Analyse and report data
- S318 (FE0J 04) Order Products and Services (19 KB)
- S319 (FE0T 04) Organise and co-ordinate events
- S320 (FE0V 04) Plan and organise meetings
- S321 (FE0W 04) Organise business travel or accommodation
- S322 (FE08 04) Supervise an Office Facility
- S323 (FE0L 04) Contribute to innovation in a business environment (19 KB)
- S324 (FE09 04) Contribute to running a project
- S325 (FE0A 04) Deliver, monitor and evaluate customer services to internal customers
- S326 (FE0C 04) Deliver, monitor and evaluate customer services to external customers
- S327 (FE0K 04) Agree a budget (17 KB)
- S329 (FE0M 04) Provide administrative support in schools
- S330 (FE0N 04) Administer parking and traffic challenges, representations and civil parking appeals
- S331 (FE0P 04) Administer statutory parking and traffic appeals
- S332 (FE0R 04) Administer parking and traffic debt recovery
- S339a (F9AR 04) Bespoke software 3 (45 KB)
- S339b (F9AW 04) Specialist software 3 (45 KB)
- S340 (F9C3 04) Data management software 3
- S341 (F9C6 04) Database software 3
- S342 (F99F 04) Improving productivity using IT 3
- S343 (F99V 04) IT security for users 3
- S344 (F9CV 04) Presentation software 3
- S345 (F99L 04) Set up an IT system 3
- S346 (F9D2 04) Spreadsheet software 3
- S347 (F9A8 04) Using collaborative technologies 3
- S348 (F9D5 04) Website software 3
- S349 (F9D8 04) Word processing software 3
- S350 (F9A5 04) Using email 3 (70 KB)
- S351 (FN75 04) Verify Critical Dates for Sentences (60 KB)
- S352 (FN76 04) Verify the Release Process (59 KB)
- S353 (FN7A 04) Administer Agricultural Records (39 KB)
- S354 (FN7C 04) Make Agricultural Returns, Applications and Claims (60 KB)
- S355 (FN77 04) Administer Legal Files (70 KB)
- S356 (FN78 04) Build Case Files (38 KB)
- S357 (FN79 04) Manage Case Files (40 KB)
Level 1 Units
- S112 (FD8P 04) Use occupational and safety guidelines when using keyboards
- S125 (FD8V 04) Calculate Pay
Level 2 Units
- S206 (FD91 04) Use electronic message systems
- S207 (FD92 04) Use a diary system
- S208 (FD93 04) Take minutes
- S209 (FD94 04) Handle mail
- S210 (F93X 04) Provide reception services
- S211 (F93T 04) Produce documents in a business environment
- S212 (FD9W 04) Prepare text from notes
- S213 (FD9X 04) Prepare text from notes using touch typing (40 wpm)
- S214 (FD9T 04) Prepare text from shorthand (60 wpm)
- S215 (FD9V 04) Prepare text from recorded audio instruction (40 wpm)
- S216 (FD97 04) Organise and report data
- S217 (FD98 04) Research information
- S218 (F93Y 04) Store and retrieve information
- S219 (FD99 04) Provide archive services
- S220 (F93V 04) Use office equipment
- S221 (FD9C 04) Maintain and issue stationery stock items
- S222 (FD9N 04) Support the organisation and co-ordination of an event
- S223 (FD9P 04) Support the organisation of business travel or accommodation
- S224 (FD9R 04) Support the organisation of meetings
- S225 (FD9F 04) Respond to change in a business environment
- S226 (FD9A 04) Support the management and development of an information system
- S227 (FD9G 04) Administer HR records
- S228 (FD9H 04) Administer the recruitment and selection process
- S236a (F9AP 04) Bespoke software 2 (45 KB)
- S236b (F9AV 04) Specialist software 2 (45 KB)
- S237 (F9C2 04) Data management software 2
- S238 (F9C5 04) Database software 2
- S239 (F99E 04) Improving productivity using IT 2
- S240 (F99T 04) IT security for users 2
- S241 (F9CT 04) Presentation software 2
- S242 (F99K 04) Setting Up an IT System 2
- S243 (F9D1 04) Spreadsheet Software 2
- S244 (F9A7 04) Using collaborative technologies 2
- S245 (F9D4 04) Website software 2
- S246 (F9D7 04) Word processing software 2
- S247 (FD9K 04) Control payroll
- S248 (FD9L 04) Account for income and expenditure
- S249 (FD9M 04) Draft financial statements
- S250 (FD96 04) Meet and welcome visitors
- S251 (FD9J 04) Administer parking dispensations
- S252 (F9A4 04) Using email 2 (70 KB)
- S253 (FN6W 04) Process court documentation (58 KB)
- S254 (FN9M 04) Contribute to maintaining security and protecting individuals' rights in the custodial environment (60 KB)
- S255 (FN6X 04) Calculate critical dates for sentences (59 KB)
- S256 (FN6Y 04) Make administrative arrangements for the movement of individuals outside the custodial establishment (60 KB)
- S257 (FN70 04) Administer documentation for the appeals process (58 KB)
- S258 (FN71 04) Administer Personal Money for the Individuals in Custody (60 KB)
- S259 (FN72 04) Prepare Documentation to Help Authorities Decide on the Conditions on Which to Release Individuals from Custody (60 KB)
- S260 (FN74 04) Make Administrative Arrangements for the Release of Individuals from Custody (60 KB)
Level 4 Units
- S413 (FE1L 04) Design and develop information systems
- S414 (FE1M 04) Manage and evaluate information systems
- S416 (FE1D 04) Manage budgets
- S419 (FE1G 04) Implement and Evaluate Innovation in a Business Environment
- S420 (FE1H 04) Plan change for a Team
- S401 (FE74 04) Manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment
- S402 (FE75 04) Manage work in a business environment
- S412 (FE76 04) Manage communications in a business environment
- S403 (FE12 04) Evaluate and solve business problems
- S404 (FE13 04) Make decisions in a business environment
- S405 (FE14 04) Negotiate in a business environment
- S406 (FE15 04) Manage an office facility
- S407 (FE16 04) Propose and design administrative services
- S408 (FE17 04) Prepare, co-ordinate and monitor operational plans
- S409 (FE18 04) Implement, monitor and maintain administrative services
- S410 (FE19 04) Plan, run and evaluate projects
- S411 (FE1A 04) Chair meetings
- S413 (FE1L 04) Design and develop information systems
- S414 (FE1M 04) Manage and evaluate information systems
- S415 (FE1C 04) Prepare specifications for contracts
- S416 (FE1D 04) Manage budgets
- S417 (FE1E 04) Invite tenders and select contractors
- S418 (FE1F 04) Monitor and evaluate contracts
- S419 (FE1G 04) Implement and evaluate innovation in a business environment
- S420 (FE1H 04) Plan change for a team
- S421 (FE1J 04) Plan change across teams
- S422 (FE1K 04) Implement, monitor and review change
- S424 (F2H7 04) Manage physical resources
- S425 (F2H3 04) Manage the environmental impact of your work (50 KB)
- S426 (DR7X 04) Recruit, select and keep colleagues
- S427 (DR73 04) Provide leadership for your team
- S428 (DR75 04) Provide leadership in your area of responsibility
- S429 (DR7C 04) Provide learning opportunities for colleagues
- S430 (DP7M 04) Develop productive working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
Level 3 Units
- S309 (FE0D 04) Develop a presentation
- S310 (FE0E 04) Deliver a presentation
- S315 (FE0F 04) Support the design and development of information systems
- S316 (FE0G 04) Monitor information systems
- S317 (FE0H 04) Analyse and report data
- S318 (FE0J 04) Order products and services (19 KB)
- S319 (FE0T 04) Organise and co-ordinate events
- S320 (FE0V 04) Plan and organise meetings
- S321 (FE0W 04) Organise business travel or accommodation
- S324 (FE09 04) Contribute to running a project
- S325 (FE0A 04) Deliver, monitor and evaluate customer services to internal customers
- S326 (FE0C 04) Deliver, monitor and evaluate customer services to external customers
- S327 (FE0K 04) Agree a budget